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old trials fanatic

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Everything posted by old trials fanatic
  1. Oh boy Point proven i think. Woodie got it spot on. When in Rome etc. Classic trials that state clearly NON STOP should be ridden that way no if's but's arguements thats it period. If you want to prat about then take your twinshock pre65 etc to a trial that doesnt apply NON STOP rules. Alternatively learn to ride the bloody thing. If in doubt just watch Dave Thorpe, Mick Andrews etc and see how it can and should be done.
  2. Whatever you can get away with Actually depends on the Club and the Observer. Suppose as long as they mark everybody the same then swings and roundabouts but NON STOP is what it says on the tin. It's just that some are deciding to conviently "forget" that.
  3. In response to bikespaces question "On the subject of stopping, hopping etc....... I'm just wondering, is it the general concensus of opinion that non stop is the way it should be?" My view is for Classics yes and for twinshocks also yes. Let me explain why. One of the many problems affecting trials is the lack of suitable land. I remember when the trick cyclists got their way before the end result was that the sections all became tighter and in some cases more dangerous due to the fact that more and more were hoping skipping and jumping their way through sections. The adoption of disc brakes then made the situation worse as these facilitated the "technique" and moved it to a higher level but that is another subject altogether that has been covered before. If the hopping and jumping is allowed to continue and flount the "spirit" of the rules then the outcome will be even tighter sections along with more steps and drop offs. Some of the land in current use will no longer be suitable and the Classic series along with club events, which always eventually follow the lead set by the "premier" events, will go down the same route. Also the bikes will become more and more modified / trick to help facilitate the tricksters and the downhill spiral gathers momentum. In effect we have a re run of what happened in the late 70's early 80's with the advent of the monoshock and the death of the twinshock and a lot of Classic Trials as we knew them. Yes it is simple as Twinshockdude says just make it plain that it's NO STOP rules but that wont stop some trying it on as it's the only way they know how to ride and as Woodie says it's hard for an observer to give a five when the culprit has just recieved a round of applause for breaking the rules and cheating. Until someone has the bravery to dock them a FIVE and also if they argue EXCLUSION from the results. All the observer needs to do is report the transgression to the CofC after the event and the rider is excluded from the results. Wouldnt take long and they would soon learn or. Alternatively just lay the section out so that there is absolutely no advantage or need to "bugger about" but still five and exclude if they do. I know that some of the contributors think it doesnt matter but believe me it does. Classic Trials are not a second class version of "Modern" ones. They are much more than that. They are a return to what Trials were. A fun day out on your bike. Dont let them degenerate into just another "modern" trial but on old bikes. Remember theres nothing to stop you hopping and skipping your old bike to your hearts content just do it at the next "modern" trials NOT at the Classic NO STOP ones. OK the rules of the ACU are clear but they, the ACU, do not seem to want to get involved and are doing a Pontious Pilot and leaving it to the Clubs to apply or not as they see fit. Shame
  4. "john have you any thoughts on the observing issue , do you think we are correct in saying there seams to be a problem with the modern riding style creeping into the classic trials, and can the acu and clubs do any thing about it ,ie make it a no stop series." Agree Paoli. Classic events must have the NO STOP rule enforced. The ACU being the governing body must enforce it and observers must apply it. If you cease forward motion you get a five. If you want to play silly buggers then there are plenty of other trials to ride at. Again not knocking observers but they must be made aware at signing on that NON STOP is the rule of the day. No if's or buts or "room for interpretation" So come on John where do you and the ACU stand on this crucial issue, to Pre65 and twinshock trials anyway, which if not sorted immeadiately will surely spell the end of "Classic events".
  5. Jeff runs "Mainly Spanish" and still advertises in TMX. Top bloke and always been a pleasure to deal with, unlike his close neighbour and former employer
  6. No comment, was gonna say what a nice bike, but apparently he gets touchy when people comment about "the bike"
  7. They are cheaper Plus had some bad experiences with Falcons wearing in the past. Just liked the look of them plus like to encourage the "little guy". Truthfully i'm that crap a rider that i wouldnt know the difference but they look good and the price is right plus they are totally rebuildable and he lives near well about 30 miles away.
  8. Saw a pair of rock shox for the first time at a trial today and they look just what i need for the James. Asked the guy whose bike they were on where he bought them "from the bloke who makes em". Hmmmm not much help. I seem to remember reading somewhere that Pete Edmundsen is doing them but cant find a number anywhere. Can anybody help with a number or website?
  9. Wasnt Legs was it cos he's alright. Get on well with him. Only mentions his firm on the odd occaision I've no connection by the way
  10. I've got a Greeves square barrel but i dont know it's history so might even be a scrambles one, hope not, will have to see how it goes when i get it running. Intend fitting an Amal Mk1 concentric. Will have a nose around some of the bikes at the trial on Sunday and pick up a few ideas.
  11. Thanks for the info. I have fitted simons 2nd gear mod, the two cog one, and have so far left the std trials 3rd gear as i had also heard about the big jump to 4th if you fit the low 3rd gear. will see once i get her up and running if the low 3rd is required. Havent sorted the ignition out yet. Will either be using Simons or the one that Villiers Services are selling. Need to find somebody with experience of both before i make my mind up. The frame i have is one that Race Engineering have had made. It's going together alright. Just fitting the swing arm and headstock bearings at the moment and there is a small amount of distortion of the bearing mountings due to the welding but nothing that a dremmel and some fine emery cant sort out. Otherwise fine. Will take a while to get it together as there is alway a lot involved in making and fitting brackets, mudguards, air filter etc etc but hope to have it something like by May 2007. Got to get the wheels built next then i can make some more progress. Thanks again.
  12. Glad about that Chris i like nosing over your bikes it gives me encouragement. One day. One day. then i get it mucky See ya at youlgrave then assuming i dont get lost trying to find it Theyve had two foot of snow in Arizona Unfortunately not in the Alps One other thing what gearing do you have on the Sprite as i have to get some sprockets for the James and want to at least start there or thereabouts.
  13. Must admit i'm always envious of the standard of preperation that you give to all your bikes. Always drop dead georgeous. Hopefully you'll still be doing some of the Paek trials wont you? I know youre not "involved" anymore but you will still be rideing ? Did you sell the Beta? That was a beaut too.
  14. Looking for a few suggestions re the gearing for the James project. It's still in bits just bigger bits So as i havent run it yet i will be having to get some sprockets ordered from Talon. If you run a Greeves or James, Sprite etc what gearing do you use? I am using a std crank sprocket as the smaller ones need to have the crankcases modifying to get it to fit so really down to the gearbox and rear sprocket. I know it will need fine tuning and possible adjusting once i get it up and running, the B40 was the same just fitted a smaller rear sprocket to that as it was too low geared, just like to get it nearish as i cant aford to "waste" a rear sprocket by getting one thats miles out. Thanks in anticipation
  15. "This is just typical of someone who has been brainwashed by the red tops. Just the same as the government is putting up taxes etc, no, its our government we voted (majority of course) in to do our bidding." ?????? brainwashed by the red tops? Whats a red top? Must have done a good job. "We are the ACU, if you feel strongly then do something about it get it raised at centre and national level, you me him we are the ACU." err thought that was why we now have an ACU Discussion thread in General Forums. Sorry i must be missing something here. Especially for Montaco Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
  16. So FINALLY got me James frame in the shed Now i need to paint it Dont want to powder coat as i will need to modify, you know how it is, adding brackets taking away etc etc. Stove enameling is out too for the same reason. Wanted something i could brush paint so it is easy to touch up the rock damage thats the problem with living in Derbyshire. Also easy to repaint an area that gets damaged due to welding / modifying etc. Tried smoothrite in the past but the bonding qualities are hit and miss plus it seems to chip off at the first sign of a rock or tree interface moment so what does the panel recommend? Must be easy to brush on, cheap cos i'm now broke and easily available. Oh yes and available in maroon? well it is a James replica after all
  17. Wise words Barry. Just shows the different world we now live in. I remember that we used to have to build the trials bike up when we got a new one. seriously my Bultacos, Montesa and my first TY mono all came in a box. OK it was mostly fit the forks and wheels, cables etc but there was no P.D.I. in those far distant days when the world was in black and white What i am getting at is i think it's historical. Because in the past Trials riders were in effect assembling and P.D.I. ing their own bikes it sort of became the norm. And still obviously is so it seems. Sod off take it or leave it attitude. Which of course is not acceptable in this day and age whatever happened in the past. Answer? Well as in everything in life if youre daft enough to put up with it then i suppose you cant blame them for letting you. No offence meant. Until we as a group demand better service then we wont get it. Barry did the right thing in getting specific warranties. Sadly i always seem to forget this If i was you i would return the bike Monday and make a lot of noise until it's up to standard. You didnt say what make or model the bike was but whatever it is it must have been in excess of
  18. Sorry to butt in but it's a carb with a flat slide More normally used on race bikes and high performance engines. As against a carb with a round slide
  19. You didnt say what your new bike was?
  20. Nice one montaco Thats why i always ride with my wallet in my right hand pocket to balance the chip on my other shoulder. Then again it might be the offset engine. Who knows. The reason i posted the thread was that lots of people moan about it but i just wondered what the ACU position was. Now i know. Personally a large part of the pleasure i get from trials is in building and modifying my bike. Titanium wheelspindles are currently on order as is the exhaust. Sorry i digress. What i was getting at in my usual long way round obtuse manner was that the pre65 classes in my local clubs are falling and i was wondering if part of the reason for this was down to the very high cost of building a competitive pre65 bike nowadays. The problem then is when you have built your bike it's cost and is worth so much that you become loath to throw it off the nearest cliff So what is the answer? Well part of the exorbitant cost of building a pre65 is down to having to "disguise" the modern parts inside "period" ones. Forks are a good example. A good set of Marzoccis fitted into Norton sliders c/w billet alloy yokes will set you back approx
  21. Wow that really is different. Wonder what they will make of that especially the wheels in the Twinshock class at classic rounds. Good luck and please post some piccys of the rebuild.
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