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Everything posted by pindie
  1. pindie

    Rev 3

    I have a rev 3 and look forward to when I can afford an Evo!
  2. If you can engineer them use a pice of solid square section drop to make a drop link for you pegs? Fit the link into the existing holes and have a new hole lower down it to mount the pegs. This brings you closer to the top of the bike i.e the bars. Then fit risers the get the extra. You could also drop the forks through the yokes a bit but that may wreck ground clearance and make it very head shaky on the trail. I think with your height it is going to be tricky to get the perfect ergos without spending big wonga. I'd sort the springs first and then go onwards from there.
  3. pindie

    Evo Suspension

    I was given this link to these guys- http://www.revsracing.co.uk/offroad.php email them and ask them. If your minted you could get an Ohlins shock?
  4. Desert race a trails bike? Are you sure? You don't mean a trail bike do you? If so look no further than a KTM 690 Rallye. I think copemech's advice is spot on. Don't over bike yourself from the start, regardless of experience. Get back into the sport on something you can ride the s*** out of and then if need be sell it and move up a size. If your an expert you'll still enjoy a nice 250 and make others look silly with bigger motors. Trials ain't drag racing so massive motors can be a pain unless you really are super duper - or like the cubic capacity badge!
  5. pindie

    Shocking Stuff

    Hi Chaps, Been out playing on my Beta rev3 200 2007 model when I noticed it was a tad springy at the rear. I wound up the damping a few clicks and it got springy again. Closer inspection revealed oil leaking past the damping rod seal. email to Lampkins to ask if a new seal and re gas can be done and was met with the reply "that chaps left so we can only offer a recon shock". Ouch! Does anyone know where this man has gone or if anyone else in the UK can replace the seal and re gas my shock? Thanks in advance
  6. My Raga 300 was a 2005. It was great fun but a bit too "in your face". I don't know if they have solved the Gbox issue but once was enough for me. The Raga has exotic metal cases which were damaged and these cost a lot. I got the 200 on the recomendation of someone who knew a lot more than I. It is a 2007. It's light, nimble and in good condition. I paid 1800 for it last year. I find it much easier to do anything on at all. It makes me laugh how it flatters my biffoon approach. I have ridden it twice as much with no problems so far. The Betas seem solidly built (stators aside). I am sure I will get snags as with all bikes at some stage. The only bike since thats caught my eye is the Ossa 280i. Trouble is it costs a lot more and I may have to admit I am not good enough for 280cc. I would however by a brand new 200 on the understanding that I have an excellent light, tough and useful weapon that does not want to lynch me when it gets the chance.
  7. pindie

    I clean my seals out every few rides. This means you way longer from a set of seals. It's simple to do. Pull up the dust wiper, insert feeler gauge, tool or piece of camera film negative and wipe around. You will be amazed at the amount of gunge that comes out of even nearly new seals.
  8. I loved my Raga 300 Gasser until the gearbox shift drum split and wrecked it. I then got a Beta 200. I love it more! Yes you need to mix oil in fuel on a 2T. For the amount of fuel you use it is no big deal. I enjoy as it adds science to every ride.
  9. Whats the hub like? Usually they wear the same as the sprocket. It's a nasty fix but I have seen a mate with an early 2000 KTM do this to get around it - 1. Fill all bolt holes liquid metal. 2. Before it "goes off" line up sprocket and use a braddle to mark pilot holes. 3. Drill and tap the holes once it has totally set. 4. Fit sprocket etc as normal. The bike is still being used today with this bodge still in place. Not my bag but if you're desperate you could try it first?
  10. 2-3 hrs on my 07 Rev3 200. Two hours if trail style riding, easy three if just mincing around doing sections etc. My Beta also has a minor fuel dribble issue which is common. It has also had the "fix" done to stop this but is only a tiny dribble and not constant.
  11. Gassers are too light for their own good. Expect a gearbox failure at some stage. Go Beta and budget for new stator for when it dies. Cheaper than gearbox issues.
  12. 25.00 quid for a new sprocket. Change it and the bolts before you knacker the hub holes! If the hub holes get ovaled out or worn then you are looking at a new hub and wheel building costs. Ouch! When fitting the new sprocket make sure everything is super clean. Use contact cleaner. Use thread lock on the new sprocket bolts. Make sure there tight. Use the spanner to apply the torque not the allen key or you will round out the holes and not get them tight enough.
  13. I have a rev3 200 and will replace it with another or Evo 200 when the time comes. It is such a useable tool that does not fight back.
  14. try a higher gear. 4th instead of third etc. More momentum at the bottom of the slope!!
  15. wear a small camel back from halfords.
  16. pindie

    Loud Knock

    If it helps mine was running rough at the weekend due to the cold weather. Get some heat in it and it cleared up nice. Also use Tesco Momentum 99 octane fuel.
  17. check out Graham Jarvis on You tube
  18. Really glad to hear it. Bones can heal fast and good if your diets right. A couple of litres a day is serious hardcore amounts. Well done!
  19. STOP! Do not use silicone sealant. It will be buggered for ever. 1.Take off the tyre completely from the rim. 2. Takes a wire brush to the inside of the rim and then finish off with a handfull of wire wool and WD40 to clean it up. 3. Clean inside of rim with contact cleaner spray and paper towels - let it dry. 4. Add new rim tape for spokes of use a new tubless band. 5. Put tyre in a warm place for a couple of hours - airing cupboard or 6 inches from a radiator should do it. 6. If you use a tube again make sure you but just enough air into it so that it will stand up on its own. This stops you pinching it or it twisting as you fit it all, it also helps minimise the chance of nipping it with your tire levers (try pinching a blown up ballon with your fingers). You are using proper smooth end levers are'nt you? 7. Place pre aired tube into tyre. 8. Sort out valve in rim hole and fit lock nut. 9. Fit well soaped first side of tire. 10. Fit second side of tire. 11. Bounce wheel vertically onto the ground for a 360 of the wheel - seems to help settle it all. 12. Soap up any bits of rim edge you can now see. 13. Add air till she pops onto the rim. Don't give up and work in small amounts getting it all onto the rim. A good tube and rim should not burst a correctly fitted tire and tube.
  20. pindie

    Chain Breaker

    By cheap buy twice. And swear a lot when you wish you bought the good one first off. Oh, and you might miss a ride cos youre bike aint rolling.
  21. I second the air leak in the exhaust as the first place to look. Is it sealing well onto the barrel? Are the O rings in joints in good condition?
  22. I had the same issue with a YZ250 crosser. It was a very old tired dog when I got it (1995). It was a cheap scare myself bike until I had the same as you. An obvious thumping through the frame and footrests. I called it a day and stripped the motor. Very glad I did as the big was seriously slack. Re built with new bearings etc the bike gave me many years of good service and abuse.
  23. pindie

    Coolant Leak!

    I've not seen one of these close up but my Raga used to drip expanded coolant "from above". It would thn drop down. Sounds logical captain. Just keep checking there is coolant in there till it all calms down.
  24. Four stroke trials bikes are black magic! Voodoo I tell you
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