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Everything posted by godzilla
  1. godzilla

    Rev 3 Silencer

  2. Just setting my bike up for a long trial tomorrow (Rev4t) i have gone to sort the chain as it seems to be a little slack, but when i tightern it, it seems a little tight. i am unsure which would be best any help would be good, its not life of death but i always prefer to ask. thanks guys.
  3. godzilla

    Rev4 Spark Plug

    Why are you ment to change the plug so regularly on the rev4? I have a new plug but i am loathed to change it for no good reason. (i am that tight)
  4. A 200 would be a good choice, the front on my beta felt heavy until i made the suspension a little more stiff.
  5. The paint on scorpas (dbpmc) is pretty expensive to paint. As for the frame thats well easy, i podercoated mine. i stripped mine and managed to leave the wireing intact and didnt even need to drain the coolant. If you paint it in situ i will never look right. Thats just me tho.
  6. I put an irc front on my rev4 the other week and it feels good, no better or worse than a mich, been out in some nasty yorkshire wearther and it went well. IRC haters be gone!!
  7. They wont have a problem selling the bikes, its a cash flow problem they have had as they expanded quickley recentley. The needed cash to pay there supplyers.
  8. Sweet ordered the bits today, not sure where this support stay is and less sure about cutting it out. the bike has always been looked after by lampkins so it may be gone alredy. i have only had the bike a month and am new to beta. (Ex scorpa)
  9. Dont worry, they will be fine.
  10. Try rathmells they still have some scorpa bits i think.
  11. I was going to get one of the Jitsie carb screw for my rev4, are they any good and are they easy to fit and Set up, will i need any special tools?
  12. I am not saying all 4T's are going to be good to learn on. Infact some would be terrible first bike choices. I am a total scorpa lover, i love the sy 2T but ended up with a SY125 by accident. (both at the same time) I loved it so much i decided to get 250 4T Beta. in my mind the beta rides more like my 2 stroke scorpa than the little 4 stroke scorpa. I would say you will be fine as long as you dont get power hungry to early, buy wise and you probably wont loose loads if you decide to swap bikes. I cant sing the praises of the little scorpas enough tho, the best bike i have ever owned. i will be looking for a sy200, if you see one let me know.
  13. Get one of the 4 stroke baby scorpas they realy are soooooo good.
  14. No thats not it. But i walk dogs for a living so that will save me a lot of trouble. Thanks for that paul i will let you know how the poopascoopa works when it arrives.
  15. My mate came back from the world round with a dog turd tool that actualy looks safe to carry in your pack, has anyone got an idea where i can get one of these from please?
  16. Awesome!! thanks guys.. LEE
  17. Thanks for that, What oil do you use mate?
  18. I am going to service my rev4, can anyone recomend some oil, also has anyone use the hiflo brand oil filters and are they any good? Cheers.
  19. godzilla

    Syf175 Racing

    Sounds like poppycock. you got any pics? Just me shooting from the hip tho.
  20. Scorpa recomend a champion N12YC , but i am 99% sure a BPR6ES works well too. Most of the info you need is hear. http://www.thehellteam.com/information/Rotax-info.pdf
  21. If your bike has a dellorto and the rear brake master cylinder is fixed to the frame not the motor then its probably a 96. have you tried cleaning out the tank and the little filter in the side if the carb where the fuel goes in? i would probably get a new plug lead cap and plug to be on the safe side, as this caused problems on one of my easys, this should set you back around
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