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Everything posted by malcra
  1. After a little hiatus, both riding and also writing, have made some updates to the twinshock.org.uk website, including - pictures of another Beta TR240 twinshock, thats in better looking condition than mine - same owners piccies of his Gaunt Suzuki ....ridden by the man himself in that years Scottish - and how to fry a 1980 SWM 320TL on a hill climb / T&O event I'll be at the Classic (in)Experts on Saturday, will bring the camera and hopefully get back to more reports and blogging. I also bought a Pampera this week; (the last monoshock i had was when a Betor shock fell off the Jumbo at a Wye Valley trial) but i'm looking to keep it quiet.Did its first section yesterday, the steps in our multi-storey car park at work. I'm thinking there's a whole trial here, but the landlords might not be keen.
  2. Not having ridden for 6 months and knowing that the alternative route was 'disappearing' I thought it might have been an error to ride. However, despite loosing more marks than the rest of the twinshock entry put together and then being out-of-time, i am glad i did ride. There were loads of places that the sub-average rider like me should have gone clean and whilst i can place the blame on a stuck throttle in Shawl's Lane, the rest of the failures were down to me, An alternative route (like last year) would allow people like me to feel comfortable entering on any old twinshock or pre-65 in the shed and to have a good day out. As most threads on TC have shown over the years, its impossible to please everyone, but as a WVAC member I'll be suggesting that we run the trial in the Normandale championship series next year only if there is two routes (as Woody suggests), though there will be a range of options. Also, as one of the people who put out the route marking, apologies for some of the placements, but its not always easier to find handy poles and trees.....
  3. was also out at Tremorithic today; quick write up here and a tempting picture ....good practice from Witches Burn...
  4. I've got around to writing my usual report on the Vic Ashford trial which you can find on the www.twinshock.org.uk website
  5. thanks Woody, ...........and some not-so-good ones :-)
  6. as i forgot to put a SAE in with my entry, does anyone have confirmation of the start times etc for Sunday's 1st round of the SM Products championship ? Can't find the regs anywhere, so contact number also useful :-)
  7. it must be the snow or something, or maybe Gavin's sudden interest in 1970's Spanish trials machines, but suddenly I am in need of more Bultaco information: what model is what ? (M80, M91 whats the difference), whats good and whats bad etc ? any primary sources of information out there ? and isn't time that Woody's braindump on things Bultaco took place ?
  8. I'd not looked at my Cota 123 I picked up last year for a while, but after changing the condensor and points I cannot extract a spark (or indeed a pulse to the ignition coil. I need to do some more investigation and have written up some more in my article here I've looked at the continuity for the (black) wire to the ignition coil and with the points open (with some card between the faces) you do have continuity though the resistance is lower than the 0.6 ohms stated in the manual any thoughts on where to go next with this welcome (changing the stator plate is one option).
  9. Martin, may indeed come up; rumour has it that there should be a lot of exhibitors and stall/vendors know anyone who wants a reasonable Jumbo ? :-)
  10. malcra

    The Ebay Project

    article updated, thanks for all the help and comments so far. There will be more of course....though when is unclear. If Gavin comes back unscathed from skiing then there will be progress.. Wayne, i'm sure its the same conrod and thats what Gavin said...bargin. my missus is counting frames as well as complete bikes, so i've gone wrong somewhere.....
  11. malcra

    The Ebay Project

    Some progress on the project already, (see latest article) but still a long way to go. thanks for the tips so far. Gavin himself is now subscribed to TC, but has to ensure that the missus isn't aware of the latest project activity.
  12. not sure about the capacity measurement, but you could take the head off the barrel, not too hard to do in the frame and the measure the width of the cylinder / piston. Around 72-76mm will be a 250-260 cc on TR240 - TR34. Similar bottom-ends on the bikes.
  13. malcra

    The Ebay Project

    if anyone knows of where there might be a engine, then let us know :-)
  14. malcra

    The Ebay Project

    I've added a couple of pictures to the article on my website about Gavin's Model 80...or is it - for first up, i got frame and engine number the wrong way round, M80... for the engine, B91...for the frame - added a couple of extra photos of the front forks and yokes and one of the swingarm configuration Its a recessed swingarm, and not like those on the M80 photo in CDB thanks for the comments etc so far
  15. You've bid on that twinshock, sometime on Sunday evening, with assistance from a nice glass of wine and a loosened finger on the mouse button. Anyway, went round to see Gavin (read more here) and his latest acquisition, what he thinks is a 1971 Model 80 Bultaco. The recently finished Montesa 247 looks concours, but this might be more of a challenge. All other horror stories or comments on the Bultaco welcome :-)
  16. there was some discussion about an overseas trip for the Herefordshire / Tredegar contigent and even though the GBP/EUR rate is a killer, could still be interested. Let us know on dates etc and the likely format as always fancied a trial in France. Went to the Sarlat on holiday a few years ago, really nice spot, so please keep us informed of developments :-)
  17. I've written my usual review of the latest Sammy Miller round and its on my website http://www.twinshock.org.uk. Some high scores (email results received last night), with no-one in single figures. What I've not worked out is how Geoff Muston got his TL125 through the 3rd last sub (the tight turn and muddy slot at Hamperley) for a clean....please let me know :-) .
  18. Given the age-old problems of club trials is that there are never enough people to observe ? What about using technology to allow you to run that 2-lap 20 secion trial you've also wanted to. The topic started in the pub last night and I've made some notes on my web pages about the two options (as I see it) in looking at technology. Interested in any feedback you have or if anyone has already tried this. I want to run some practical experiments in the near future.....
  19. I've done a few words on the trial on My website, but with being knackered keeping up with Mr Bliss and being braindead, i left my camera at home and concentrated on riding all the sections really badly (my worst ride for a while) I'll add some comments and appreciate any more feedback as Pitley and the rest of WVAC plan for the next event. There was lots of good discussion in the pub last night and 18 club members came to along to provide comment and opinion. They'll be a few taking their test and/or buying road-registered twinshocks methinks ....(Stu, I have a nice SWM 280cc lined up for you). Pitley's already located some new ground and there was even discussion on making it a two-day trial :-) Now the event has been run, there's lots of enthusiasm and confidence for running national events back in Western Centre....and why not, the countryside is excellent
  20. still scraping the mud off the bike and cleaning it out of the carb (is it August) Latest report on the Frank Jones Trial on the http://www.twinshock.org.uk website Remember the upcoming Wye Valley trial in September gives rider on classic and modern bikes alike the chance to compete in this form of trial and on ground unused since the last Trader's trial (1994?) Regs are on the ACU Western Centre website
  21. The twinshock entry seems smaller than the last couple of trials, but the usual suspects (minus Woody) are there. I will do my best to prop up the field as per normal But as always, looking forward to it. See you there and will hopefully get the usual pictures and write up done
  22. infact the Wye Valley clubs Trevor Hunt Trial on 28th September will be a classic style trial and it will allow modern bikes. Pitley is organising it and the regs are out. Start at Longtown in South Herefordshire.
  23. I've been writing up some of my bike projects (SWM's mainly) over the last 18 months or so and have recently migrated it to a new service provide and activated the twinshock.org.uk domain. I've been mainly using the hungerstone.net monicker up to now, but with the change it will be easier for other people to now come on board and contribute information on their twinshock projects and trials events If you want to participate or have any comments then drop me an email or visit the site
  24. my usual write up from the back of the field can be found here enjoyable day out (first time I've ridden a trial in Yorkshire) and a well organised event.
  25. malcra

    Jumbo Carb Settings

    so, I've following Martin's advice from an old email I had and rotated the stator plate clockwise by about 2mm; retarded the timing. Pulls like a horse now, and with the reed block, the pickup from pilot->main a lot better. Need to sort the exhaust etc but all going well
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