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Everything posted by fivemeister
  1. and at least you have been told all a-bough-t it.
  2. No, but you went out on a limb..........
  3. Still some places available. If you fancy some one to one tuition by some top rider / coachs - make that call now.
  4. Local riders especially might like to have a go (but anyone welcome to have a try) at our new monthly observation quiz - name the rider and win a free ride at one of our trials. www.mansfieldmauntrials.com
  5. Nah - they're bulletproof - 9 months of regular abuse, crashing and jetwashing - ain't even taken the carb off yet.
  6. NEW - results posted the same evening of the trial - a photo gallery and club news (including a comprehensive ride report) Let me have any photo's you have from one of our recent trials and I'll put them in the gallery. www.mansfieldmauntrials.com
  7. Skatty email me and I'll send you a oil/fuel ratio chart.
  8. No its not. 70:1 = 71.5ml per 5 Litres. 80:1 = 62.5ml per 5 Litres
  9. If that doesnt work Spike - use Google maps and its the one nr Bradfield North of Sheffield.
  10. Link: <http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=118260423834244208870.00045e401a9a2542d2656&z=17>
  11. Gotta say Im a Beta fan - always liked the sound of the Rev 3 and I like the looks of the Evo - - but the gasser now beats the Evo in the acoustic department.
  12. Graham I can't help but think that you are being a bit drippy here. There is more than enough trials information on the internet given just a few moments searching, and that's not including where we are at the moment or the TMX weekly paper. Take our local ACU site - http://www.motorcyclesport.org.uk/trials.htm - all the years events listed for the centre, and anything you need after that check the individual clubs website or speak to the club contacts. First port of call for most newbies is a local club - join for a small fee get your ACU application form signed and pay your tenner - sorted. Can't see it could be any easier - Am I missing something?
  13. Nice clean website Steve. Keep him practicing and in the next few years, away from girls and beer - the ruin of many a trials genius.
  14. Can't see a problem with standing - long as you are in proper control of the vehicle and can reach the brakes (and you would have a pretty good case at court when you show how well Dougie can control the bike whilst standing!!)
  15. Men's training day at Bracken Rocks on Saturday 21st March 2009 10am - 4pm with A.C.U qualified coaches.
  16. Correct - there's an open practice day on 6 December - 10 til 4 - see the website for details - www.mansfieldmauntrials.com
  17. Anyone wishing to practice at Bracken Rocks it will be open for any Trials bike on Saturday 6th December from 10am till 4pm at
  18. Please make a note of our new website address. www.mansfieldmauntrials.com Feedback always welcome
  19. To a certain extent - you are right about controlling the power with the clutch. As a beginner, you can only ride as slow as is required without stalling if you feather the clutch. Get used to ALWAYS covering it with your forefinger - ready to pull it in if the bike rears up or to stop the engine stalling when riding ultra slow or braking hard at the back. Practice really tight turns - lock to lock - as slowly as you can by feathering the clutch. One of my biggest faults was coming in to fierce with the power (big wristful at the bottom of slippery climbs) and braking traction before I had even got started. The secret is gently and SMOOTHLY away.
  20. My sixsixone kneepads paid for themselves today. Fast walking pace crash down a rocky gully (between sections - don't ask me how) and over the bars - smashed my right kneecap onto a rock. Was painful even with the kneepads on and I have some bruising and a slight limp. There is no doubt in my mind that without protection this would have been a MAJOR injury.
  21. Not a bad idea but uneccessary as given the nature of the contents (movement - electrickery - heat - cold - condensation - water ingress) its pointless making a permanent seal and best to remove the cover after every ride anyway and spray with WD 40 / allow to dry. Some riders even drill the cover to allow constant moisture egress.
  22. Do you mean a Fantic thermoplastic tank? If so, use the search facility as this subject has been done before and has some good info and links.
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