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Everything posted by nhuskys
  1. We haven't had the Festiva in the States since 2002. One might have survived as far south as Arkansas, but not up here in the Salt Belt!
  2. Honda Element would work. I've owned a lot of Volvo wagons and fuel economy isn't their thing for USA models. I think a Toyota minivan MPG would be better, than a Volvo.
  3. I wouldn't worry about a spark arrestor too much. You stand a greater chance of starting a fire by dropping your bike and the hot header pipe igniting some dry leaves and being accelerated by some gas coming out your carb overflow( and this is actually very low risk), than an errant spark from your exhaust. If you are sure you want one, the Tryals Shop might be able to help, or make a simple screen insert for your end cap.
  4. I'm glad to hear it's all working out. Enjoy that bike!
  5. The best $42 you'll spend this winter. 22 minutes and counting!
  6. I vote Scorpa 125, but I'm a minority. For some people the technique for starting Gas Gas Pro motor.... even a 125, can be problematic.There is a thread right now about a 13 year old girl and 5 men who can't start her bike. It isn't the carb or the ignition.... It just seems you are built to start a Gas Gas or you aren't. I can start any other brand 125 Trials or Enduro bike easily, but not a Gas Gas, hence the Scorpa. If you can test ride one and start it easily, consider buying it. There is one other thing to consider..... The 6 speed dual range Gas Gas Pro transmission doesn't work that well with the 125 riding the loop and trails. You'll find yourself constantly shifting between the gears which have huge nasty grinding change. On a 250 or 300 you would just stay in a higher gear. I can't remember if it is 4th to 5th or 3rd to 4th gear.
  7. Is this different than the Cleeg account for 2018 X-Trial live stream?
  8. I figured Bernie pick this up for his kid, as he just started riding. I'm sure guys in Switzerland are keeping a close eye on Craigslist in the States.....
  9. We were going to have a demo day this Saturday, at the Tryals Shop in NY. A major snow storm is now predicted with blizzard conditions, so the date has been postponed, until we get a milder weekend. I was really looking forward to riding these bikes, and can't wait until the new date!.
  10. I might try that in the future. I fixed it with an IRC tube type.
  11. Good to know. I had a TY175 and OEM Yamaha rim would not keep a tubless Michelin bead on. I assumed all tube type rims were the same.
  12. Did you stop on the way home from the Tryals Shop and trade the Scorpa for a Sherco???
  13. Seems like a Vertigo 250 with infinite mapping choices would be ideal beginner bike?
  14. No. Just speaking to your general argument that a 125 isn't suitable. I've ridden tiddlers for years.... Enduro, MX, on the road, so I'm used to them and prefer them. I've owned 250 twin shock Trials bikes and 250 and open class Enduro and MX bikes. I've owned 1000cc Sport Bikes. We'll leave it at that.
  15. An argument as old as the ages.... we'll agree to disagree.
  16. I'll always recommend a 125 to start.... I started a Novice at 62, with a lifetime of enduro experience. I'm on my third bike and have stuck with a 125, as it hasn't limited my advancement to Intermediate level. The way they are geared, makes for a slow ground speed in first gear. This makes the bike easier to control and gives you more time to prepare for a hazard in a section. A 125 is easy to start, and as a Novice... you'll stall a good bit. The power is more manageable, even with a white(fast turn) throttle tube. It is still quite adequate and will bring the front wheel up without the clutch. If you do outgrow it, a 125 has a good resale. They are built in smaller numbers and the demand for used 125 bikes is good. Good luck in your search!
  17. Tryals Shop was the US Scorpa Importer, when the first SY175F's were sold. Mike can help you. https://www.tryalsshop.com/
  18. Sandra has signed to TRS for WTC.
  19. https://www.trialscentral.com/news-archive/sub-headlines/20589-2019-sheffield-indoor-trial-gallery
  20. I'm thinking about the USA version (Ram Pro Master City). All versions are petrol and the car version (we call it a wagon) is more expensive than the van. I have to also carry an enduro bike at times and that will be a squeeze. Does the headliner in the car version, take up a lot of head room? I've only seen vans.
  21. I totally understand that. It seem like Gas Gas was a good fit, as they covered both disciplines. Tough when you are second and third in WTC, but can't make a living. So many young women riders coming up through the ranks, that I guess GG thinks Sandra has peaked, and thinking younger rider. Very hard to beat Emma when she is so singularly focused on trials and you can't be. After Sandra beat her for the Super Enduro Championship in '16, Emma dropped the Hard Enduro side of riding. I'm sure that she's well paid by Sherco ..... I do hope Sandra will still ride the SSDT!
  22. It's been this way for a long time now.... Taddy and Grimbo left Trials longer ago than you think, to take up Hard Enduro.
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