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Everything posted by betabonkers
  1. betabonkers

    Evo Seen

    Mine is sorted now.
  2. ive always done it dry with a hair dryer.
  3. check the pads cos they dont wear right down to the metal cos the pistons dont seem to come out that far. hope that makes sense.
  4. Ive got both but would say the sealskins are better , they seem to be more breathable.
  5. betabonkers

    Evo Seen

    Yeah thats the one, ive just been running it in i cant believe how much lighter it feels. I might not have a job in a couple of weeks so you can buy mine..
  6. betabonkers

    Evo Seen

    I picked mine up today, got to say it looks a lot nicer in the flesh.
  7. As it's a Scorpa it could have been pulling a plough for 2 years
  8. I think they are all different after yours because your air filter is on the side and not underneath.
  9. betabonkers

    Early Rev3

    I think it is on the top of the radiator under the tank.
  10. I think that if you take out the half link your chain will be to short, mine was.
  11. Thats as low as you can go.
  12. I had the same problem when i fitted control footpegs.
  13. More importantly how much is one of these gonna cost.
  14. My mate had two new 250 betas and they both had 42 rear and my 270s always have 41.
  15. I thought only the 270 had 41 tooth and the 250 a 42 tooth.
  16. Yeah thats right, the screws are really tight though i had to use an impact screwdriver, ive seen people use a grinder, its not pretty plus the weight is unuseable then if you want put it back on.
  17. Yeah thats the one, its in good condition for the year go and have a look.
  18. I know for an 04 beta 250, only in Cearphilly.
  19. Its signposted off the mc donalds roundabout......Pontypool.
  20. It happened to me, it was only the switch.
  21. Sounds like you just need a new switch, i think they are only fifteen quid and two minutes to fit, you can cross the wires but your fan is on constant then.
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