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Everything posted by b40rt
  1. Yeah, would have been better with wisdom.
  2. Most of these treatments work best when your boots are still damp, stuff them with paper, treatment on, leave and the treatment is drawn through. Job done. ( for this week anyway)
  3. You remind me of my brother, when he was three, thirteen, twenty three etc etc
  4. If you ever pick out the rubber seal on a new bearing you will be shocked at the tiny amount of grease in there, probably worth adding some.
  5. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4Uer1EI56Rw
  6. Spelling was never my strong point !
  7. "may as well be Scotland" A northerner, a Scot with all the jovial widom knocked to f**k out of him.
  8. Camera seems to be more sophisticated than the bike!
  9. 200 miles closer to me than London, got my vote.
  10. There are lots of deprived areas desperate for investment outside London, take your pick.
  11. The moral of this sorry tale is not to buy anything untill it has been on the market for a while and all the teething problems are sorted / known about.
  12. Funny the British Olimpic games are in London, right in the centre of the country for easy access to all citizens.
  13. Right at the end, the driver cuts the engine and coasts in with the left pedal right down.
  14. The cost is related to what they think you can afford. Take TY80's, they were a fraction of the price of a full sized bike, buy actually probably cost more to produce.
  15. Are you very big, or is the bike really small. (father ted sort of question)
  16. The federal measure is designed as retaliation to the 27-member European Union's continuing import ban on American beef treated with growth hormones. EU officials haven't lifted that 20-year-old ban, despite a World Trade Organization (WTO) order to end it. Of course its banned, like we need any more fat B**tards in the UK.
  17. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
  18. One of the problems with democracy is that sometimes you end up with dictators.... Heavy man.
  19. Pretty sure left pedal is clutch, havn't heard of different pedals for front and rear brakes.
  20. Should that not be "put the world title attempt on hold for the ma"
  21. If the EU is to follow suit then they will put 100% tariff on porn. Suddenly, things got serious !
  22. This one has a clutch, tho generally they just use it for starting. Interestingly the driver is using the right foot for braking, usually they use the left.
  23. Also try Bombardiay (sp?)
  24. If the EU follows suit, tit for tat, and does likewise for Harley Davidson and derivitives, stalemate.
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