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Everything posted by kramit
  1. Maybe if Pat looses 40lbs and switches to GG, he could be National Champ again.
  2. The old saying is " its easier to keep an old customer than try to get a new one " How about offering riders who haven't been out in say 6 to 12 months a free ride for one event to encourage them to return to the sport. Chances are they still have their Trial Bike and they just need a little push. Trying to sell MX ers on Trials is probably the biggest waste of time. Would you give up Trials and switch to MX if they asked you? NOT
  3. I think Ringo's Club was better when they were drinking and making tacos. I didn't think they ever rode Trials...Pit Racers maybe.
  4. The 80 year old thing is an insult, but I like the dog part. Where were you and your cronies last Sunday?
  5. "Dammed if you do, and Dammed if you don't" I can't think of a more general question that could be posted by Borus, as a Dealer, Importer, Manufacture or otherwise. Perhaps "Slapshot" could email a list of appropriate questions or statements that Borus may post to this forum. Mr "Slapshot" is clueless!!!!1
  6. Stan Bakgaard....there's a name from the old days. Glad to see he is still riding and apparently very well.
  7. More like....goodbye John Lampkin......Hello John Shirt. And you better get unlimited calling!!!!!
  8. kramit

    Beta 300 4t oil leak

    Before you go through the trouble of replacing the Head Gsk, try re-torquing the head bolts.
  9. kramit

    UTE Cup

    I am somewhat disappointed to see the RMTA is using age to determine the winner of the UTE Cup. I read the Article (in T.C. newspaper)and understand their reasoning, but believe it is wrong. Would it not be possible to incorporate a couple of very difficult sections in the Trial to possibly separate the top riders. Such a Classic event should be scored equally among the entry, at least for the top award.
  10. Absolutely Classic Video. When the guy falls off the ramp/bed frame coming out of the pool and gets his foot stuck, I just about laughed out of my chair......love it!!!
  11. kramit

    Natc Meeting

    I would like to suggest a topic for the upcoming NATC Meeting. Term Limits. How about after attending the meeting for 3 or 4 years....your OUT. Or perhaps you could still attend but only as a spectator. I am sure this will offend some of the older members, but this is a progressive sport.....not a historical society. I hope this doesn't offend anyone.
  12. A good friend of mine went to China from Japan where he was living at the time. This was about 1990 and the people there were very confused about Trials, kind of like you said. He told me you could ride just about anywhere without problem. I think he was with several others and had a guide to help them get around.
  13. What a great story! You are truly one dedicated Trials Rider. Your wife should also be commended for putting up with you as I am sure mine would have left knowing I was going through all that to just to enjoy Trials. You didn't happen to see a Xispa Factory while you were there.........
  14. Just watched the MAV Coverage of the E. Coast Rounds. Excellent coverage but where were all the spectators? I've seen more at most local Trials.
  15. Hey guys, Thought you might like to see what goes on at the Training Camp every year after the Youth Nationals at TTC. Check out the link posted below to watch the video...... Thanks, Kramit
  16. kramit


    Ron BS? Since when does Ron BS?
  17. kramit


    I only see results for the Support Classes.......maybe it just takes more time to filter West.
  18. Wow! Cody seems to be on a roll and with such convincing wins no less. I wonder who is smiling more, Cody or Kip?
  19. Sometimes the guides can be knurled and then re-sized to original spec. as long as the wear is not excessive and you can find a reamer that is the original size
  20. kramit

    What A Nerve

    He probably felt sorry for you thinking this old fart is stuck vacationing with the grand kids.
  21. My UPS Drivers uses one (has lots of miles on it) and says its very reliable and gets about 25 mpg to boot!
  22. This is probably the best run for the U.S. Championship in the last 20 years. It seems like one rider was always well ahead in ability. It will be fun to watch how it all plays out.
  23. Try about an .008 to .010 thinner base gsk. But just to be safe, ck the comp. ratio before running.
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