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Everything posted by turbofurball
  1. Crash statistics don't lie; having ABS on bikes leads to less accidents, less serious injuries from accidents, and fewer fatalities. It sounds like your ABS system may have been faulty if you've locked the wheels and it hasn't activated. German kids do learn about the Holocaust, my nieces and nephew can attest to that ... whether all kids are paying attention in class is another matter.
  2. For reference, with a low seat post I've found practicing on my old/heavy full suspension mountain bike to be excellent practice for things like turning on inclines, tight turns on loose surfaces, and ballance practice when at or near stationary. There's a place near my place between a railway line and some houses with banking to cut down on the noise, which is maintained by the council but nobody ever goes to - just the thing for a quick practice after work
  3. I said mine will have cost £2500 by the time it's finished, because eventually it'll be full Majesty / modernised with no stone left unturned (The frame goes off to powder coating tomorrow! Woo!)
  4. A bike braking with ABS stops far far quicker than any scenario where a bike and rider are sliding along the ground, regardless of road and weather conditions. ABS prevents or mitigates a large number of accidents, both in cars and on motorbikes (it especially improves outcomes for heavy braking in corners); on fast road bikes traction control also makes a significant improvement. When helmets became compulsory there was a LOT of complaining - their arguments were very similar to yours. By the way, did I mention my day job is being a crash tester? Also, in what way would removing Confederate statues that were put up after the war had ended erase history? How many statues of Hitler has Germany put up since the second world war? Have they forgotten about him? Lets have more statues dedicated to the brave soldiers and slaves who fought against the Confederacy instead - that would be historical.
  5. At that point manufacturers will probably split the line into road legal and "competition only", like the Honda CRFs etc, and those who want to do things like the SSDT will have to shell out extra or run old bikes. TBH this sounds exactly like the complaining that was done when helmets became mandatory. Ah yes, the heritage of erecting statues 50 years after a war, to traitors no less - definitely worth standing up for.
  6. Why keep looking back instead of forward? ABS on a road legal electric trials bike could be removed after sale (or just switched off, as needs require)
  7. On a long steep ascent, yes you've gotta rev them, especially if you're on the heavy side like me. On the plus side, the reduced power gives me confidence that on those climbs I'm not going to get a sudden wheelie due to bad technique or a slip of the throttle I can't say the exhaust has bothered me as a rider, there are other things to think about when you're doing the riding, and I enjoy a little bit of the feel of hooliganism without the consequences
  8. I'm aiming for making it rideable in October (using the old wheels, seat, tank, etc), and finished by the end of the year Being realistic, I've got three other bikes to maintain / improve / ride, plus my SO's two ... I'm in no rush, and want to get it right!
  9. Español es tradicional para los memes del internet (it's from an old Mexican TV advert) Anyway, to answer your question, having a serviceable common modern bike is less faff and easier to handle (less weight, friendlier engine characteristics, parts availability) IF you have a suitable local club; there are some areas of the country that only have classic clubs nearby. In my experience the closer the club is, the easier it is to find motivation to get up early and load the bike up!
  10. TY175 Master Race! Balls to that being an old restoration though, it looks like it needs a good going-through - mine was way tidier and cheaper than that, and I'm looking at a total cost of about £2500 by the time it's back together, majesty-ised, and everythings 5 by 5 from tip to toe.
  11. ¿por que no los dos? I'm a member of something like 5 clubs, for different reasons it just ended up cheaper that way and I can go out any weekend
  12. Another thing to note, I don't remember myself or anyone I know ever being pulled for a small number plate on trail bikes without there being significant other problems with the bike ... and we've ridden a LOT of road miles. I use my XR for popping to the shop all the time
  13. Yup, my Gasgas 125 remains great fun and is more capable than I am, lol Much better than being over-biked, I've tried bigger and TBH not enjoyed it ... the TY has a little more torque but the same HP, which makes for a pleasant change
  14. Conversely at another trial a while back some troublemakers were throwing stones at riders while on the road; the police attended and didn't pull any riders, and scared off the neer-do-wells.
  15. I grew up in Cornwall SURROUNDED by motorbikes, but had it not been for Kick Start I wouldn't have known what trials was at all. It was all scrambling for kids (well, boys. I wasn't welcome) at that time.
  16. FWIW, taking the A2 test is exactly the same as for the full A test ... so if you're taking one you might as well go the whole hog
  17. No Junior Kickstart on the TV? (and if there was, nobody would watch it given the current media marketing for kids)
  18. For a late '50s / early '60s street bike I think that looks good, certainly more attractive of some of the other efforts of the time ... the chain cover is a nice addition
  19. This has been my experience too, false economy I'm afraid!
  20. Interesting different approach compared to EM, I wonder how it would do if sandbagged up to 65Kg (or whatever the minimum weight is ...?)
  21. Yes, colour / design is important to me; every time I pull the cover off of any of my bikes I want to be thinking "Aww yeah, that looks so cool!" The Repsol 4RTs are very pretty IMO, and the Sherco Factorys in fluro colours are perhaps the most eye catching. I'm going to be doing something interesting with my old TY, too ...
  22. Worth oiling the cable and greasing the lever pivot too ... that simple stuff has a habit of sneaking up on you! I didn't realise the arm extender was a thing though, definitely going to get me one of those
  23. Yeah, we're in the middle of rebuilding the back end now and it's taking some creative engineering to sort out! As for range, my XT250 has a desert tank on, the ideal would be if we could do 2 days of trails without needing to find a petrol station!
  24. Mmm, I'm hoping to shave a bit of weight off my 84Kg TY175 ... spoilt by the Gasgas, that's the problem!
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