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steve fracy

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Everything posted by steve fracy
  1. steve fracy

    Tennis E

    As always Ringo, nice to have you back! Way to boring without you! Will you be at any Natinonals this year?
  2. I canna believe it Billy! Are you sure????? and what's your stance on the whole Lance Armstrong thing? Your Friend, Steve
  3. Nope Dave....no neckerchief!
  4. Gary Hall(very back) Billy T right in front of him..... know other two far left of you but cannot remember there names. No pics of Francois (Tex, and Sid Maudlin called him at the NATC meeting)
  5. I had heard he moved and was on a bigger piece of property......I thinki it was an old Christmas tree farm, so there was tons of work to be done, fully engulfed in that!
  6. Having beautiful scenic "burns" and being able to ride in them are two different things. I doubt that an event as highly publisized and famous as the SSDT would be able to run anywhere in North America in stream beads, without any kind of protests.
  7. Its not too much different to me.....than what is happening now. Just more fluid.
  8. Would like to hear opinions on what after market carbs anyone is using in their 200 Fantics? Steve
  9. Hammy! Firstly, neither 0007 or I are from the US. I don't condone or support what Lance did. But, I am understanding enough to try and look at the situation and sport he was in at that time, and I CAN see how someone could feel like they had to blood dope and cheat, just to keep up to the competition! You don't know me at all, so making comments about my morals and hoping that I won't bring "that type of attitude" into trials is a bit absurd. None of us really know Lance Armstrong either(not even people who thought they did) so we can only comment of reports and what is speculated in the media. He is now gonna have to live with all of this the rest of his life, and in front of his kids! Why not just hope he CAN make right so many wrongs he has done to people. Have a great day!
  10. What problems have you had???? WE have had Beta's for many years and no problems with anything...the 2013 Beta's are very nice as were the 2012 bikes. Steve
  11. Great post here! As a former National competitor, and father of a current one, my feelings are similar! I have seen the rules change several times over the 40yrs I have been riding. I give the FIM credit, because like it or not, there is a problem in our sport internationally. Even though many of us are use to the current rules in North America, entries have dwindled over the years, there is no denying that. NO stop may NOT be the answer, but, its easy to critisize. They are trying to address the problem! As a rider though, it makes no sense to waste energy on moaning about how it isnt gonna work. As a rider and Pro athlete, you adapt, practise, invent new techniques to push the limits of the rules and take advantage of them. That is just a natural instinct of any athlete. We will ride stop allowed here this year, but I have no doubt that next year we will all be riding no stop! So after the very last event of this year, we will be practising No stop techniques. I really hope that anything can be done to get more people involved! Its only better for everyone! More people = more bikes sold= more money for the importers and manufacturers= more $$$ available for sponsorship = more riders going to events! Seems like a no brainer for me!
  12. Glenn: I know the one your thinking of....its in real nice shape too! For the price I say go for it...that is a piece of history too as the last model made! (unless anyone actually saw a Costa model) steve
  13. Ah, was waiting for this response right after I read that post!!! You been away too long now I guess mate! Oh yeah, where the heck are you???
  14. Never had to re-jet any Evo we have had! Other than a tweak of the air screw now and then with temp change, they run perfect out of the box at sea level. The 2013 is the very first one we have had to change the needle setting.
  15. Anyone else miss Lane and Ringo?
  16. First actual practise time will be today! Try and get some photos!
  17. Meticuously prepared! Thanks again Gary!
  18. Glenn, sold the pristine 300 over a year ago.......sad to see it go, but it was time for something different. This one came from eastern US, but was originally in Oregon. Clutch is very nice and one finger pull! Just as light as a TY,or lighter. Pegs are modded and riding position is the best of any Fantic Ive had. Lots of zippy power. Revs the best of any Ive had too. Cant wait to trial it!
  19. trying to load picture of my new 200 that just came home...not sure if this will work!
  20. Thanks guys! Yes, Glenn, finally got it home and a brief ride in the driveway last night! Wow. powerful and light, and riding position (pegs done) perfect. Post a picture once I figure out how... Steve
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