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Everything posted by jimmyl
  1. In west south wales we run a scheme called Trials Training wales (was Project 2000) which is an now ACU club set up to train and help youth and newcomers and also those that want to get better. Not sure if do teach anything but we are enthusiastic and can at least show you what not to do, help get your basics right and pass on years of experience. Unfortunately sometimes once that has been imparted it is down to the individuals natural ability and motivation to get better. Even at expert level and above you see some riders that have just got it and those that work extremely hard to be good.. Unfortunately I think I'm one of those that have to work extremely hard just to be ok.
  2. From the clips I saw said Road racer was on a par with Ross as far as performance in the sections - I explained this to a few non trials but interested people and they had even more respect for Ross and the SSDT. I think people are unaware how competent Ross is on a "normal bike" not those funny things with no seats
  3. What ever you have make sure they are slightly pointing up . a flat or downward pointing footrest will encourage your foot to slip off especially when the bike is leaned over . a good sensible set well set up are better than an expensive set that are slopping downwards
  4. The 250 and 260 4rts would not pull 4th very well in std gearing in sections but the 300rr will and 5th is a quick road gear. i think the extra torque of the 4rts especially the bigger cc makes a 5 speed more effective
  5. The 250 and 260 4rts would not pull 4th very well in std gearing in sections but the 300rr will and 5th is a quick road gear. i think the extra torque of the 4rts especially the bigger cc makes a 5 speed more effective
  6. jimmyl

    Milky oil

    I have used and inline fuel filter on the mont as similar application - keeps majority of muck out and only cheap
  7. I ride a 4rt only need 1st for sections and 5th is for the road If I had a 6th this would be Motorway. Having ridden Montesa for nearly 20 yrs I don't miss 6th.
  8. jimmyl

    Milky oil

    I’m sure we are at cross purposes but Isn’t that just a pipe? If it allows air both ways how does it stop water going down to gearbox? I'm a bit confused
  9. jimmyl

    Milky oil

    I think the air needs to flow in and out of the gear box as it expands/contracts etc -not just one way -
  10. jimmyl

    Milky oil

    " I'm thinking of fitting a one way valve like people have to vent there petrol tanks as I have a couple kicking about the garage " Which way would you fit it - one way as the engine gets warm air will go out - when it cools you would get a vacuum If the other way then you hot couldn't get out and would suck water in . Maybe a longer pipe if going higher than air box inlet might work like an upside down u bend??
  11. jimmyl

    Milky oil

    With the cold/warm/cold weather possibly condensation??- presume there is a breather open to atmosphere somewhere??
  12. Yes - I think it’s fundamentally a program about Ross doing a trial not necessarily a promotion for the ssdt. But brill watching and can only be good for the sport/ssdt Having done the six days a few times it’s a good reminder if the pain and pleasure the trial can bring you. Needs to do it in the wet next time?
  13. Simple answer is there is no one size fits all and we need to accept it. The good kids want to hop and stop and go up cliffs. The mature expert/intermediate enjoys the big national type trials There are a host of riders who just want to have 3 hours on a bike - loose a few marks but go home with nothing broken. The trick is to understand your market and set out the trial accordingly and consistently - no point running a good clubman national one year then marking out a world round the following etc. If people ride your event and majority go home happy then you are doing something right.
  14. Difficult to get a trials bike to some locations
  15. jimmyl

    4RT Fuel Pump

    Top info once again Mr Sports lawyer - I do think though you need to get out more
  16. jimmyl

    4RT Fuel Pump

    I’m sure the new pumps on the 260 and 300 are on a Honda road bike somewhere if somebody had the time and access to all the info.
  17. Is the Scorpa now Sherco engine as well?
  18. Best improvement I ever did to my riding was moving from Yorkshire to Wales - became an expert overnight
  19. In our centre we have a annual trials forum attended by all our clubs - All 3 1/2 of them and open to anybody that wishes to attend. We try and set out what people want for the coming year and try and get some consistency. As said before we run some Centre championships which are aimed at a harder level and then some easy/club trials etc. We have a grading system which is published so people know what class they are in and helps clubs set out suitable trials and I guess riders know what to expect from one type of event to the other. Obviously weather can play a part and some venues are just harder than others.. We are probably lucky in that we only have a few clubs and in reality its the same faces riding and marking out so consistency seems to be achieved. We are now working with our neighboring centre to try and keep this consistency going and avoid clashes of dates etc. However I have found that if I ride further a field then I tend to drop down a class as other centres seem to have a greater number of experts/masters riders than we do and mark their trials out accordingly. Likewise if I'm unsure I normally have a look at a few section before entering a specific class or have a chat with some of the locals or clerk of the course before making my decision.. I think for the average rider then going up or down one class would normally ensure a challenging or safe day out - depending on what you want. I appreciate for raw beginners and novices the gulf can be much greater and what the C of C thinks looks ok to a competent clubman maybe a complete stopper for the beginner. I guess if you have lots of clubs or ride in maybe 3 centres regularly then this consistency may not be there. Sometimes a good idea to benchmark yourself with riders from different clubs/centers and see what they ride when you are on there own patch. Likewise some clubs just run hard trials - study the results of previous trials to see what the winners is on and chose accordingly..
  20. Cub 200 if you don’t change it will stay as it is Exactly what I’m trying to say. within the acu rules you can do pretty much what you want so long as it’s safe and legal . Stop/no stop/ fancy dress/ green bikes/ old bikes / brand new bikes. You’ve just got to go and do it and not expect somebody else to give it to you on a plate. its an amatuer sport run by volunteers not a multinational with customer complaints dept and marketing budgets.
  21. My point is I don’t think there is anything much wrong with trials . its never going to be super popular - it never has. We have acceptable entries and we try and give riders what they want because basically we are all riders who put on trials . Our biggest issue is that majority want to ride and nobody is left to observe. Now that is a problem. if on your area you are finding there are not events you like then organise one.
  22. That's called having a play - a trial is an organised competitive event . If you are happy going for a play then carry on - the choice is yours. If you want to be involved in some form of competition that suits your ambition/ability/preference and there are non about then get involved and organise the events that you would like to ride in. If thee are clubs that run events you like go and help out if you don't already. "Clubs" are the riders so whatever its member want to do is fine -if you want a practice club then so be it. If a certain club runs trials in a manner that is not very popular then market forces will soon dictate the number of riders it gets. If that club can maintain enough revenue and volunteers to keep running then so be it. However if that club signs up to a championship that has certain criteria then it should follow that criteria -apart from that it can do what it likes so long as it stay with the rules of whatever governing body it runs under .
  23. "Remember trials of old club/center/national with a workable grading system ? what i see there is no change of severity between any of them now ,sort that riders might go to trials that will suit them best and be happy but as it is now riders do not have a clue what to expect from trial to trial The point is riders need to set out and organise the trials they want. if there is no grading system you can go set one up, if the trial is too hard arrange a series that suits you. Nobody will stop you organizing what you want. If your local club isn't doing it get along a change it or start your own. So long as you go through ACU channels anything is possible. Build it and they will come.!!
  24. Just reading through a few post - some want harder trials and some want easier trials!!!. As you cant please all the people all the time we came up with 9 centre championship events per year and a similar amount of club/easy/do what you want trials, As we are not blessed with lots of budding British champions our centre trials are probably set at a easy/sensible level and populated more by clubmen/sportsmen but we get 60 to 70 riders sometimes which is probably about 50% of the total club membership for the centre so probably as good as we could expect. Not saying we don't still have whinges but that's just life. I think the only logical answer is if like minded riders in each centre get together and ask their club /centre to run at least some of the event to suit them then all should have at least some events that are perfect for them. For those event that are not to your liking go along and observe or help set out . Sometime easy to type on here what is wrong less easy to get out on a cold winter night to go to club or local centre meeting - but somebody has to otherwise the whole lot will just grind to slow stop.
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