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Everything posted by totalshell
  1. like the idea of warming up the seal in warm water, on my cub i cut the top rubber away and burn / cut away the rubber closest to the tube so that i can get at the seal tension spring, pulling this spring out usually brings the rest of the rubber out only leaving the steel ring to get out .. apply heat to outside of fork and the thing nearly jumps out, if not apply a small screwdriver to 'wiggle' it out .. heat up outer ring again to insert, warm but not hot, so that the rubber does not melt and the new seal will virtually drop in when it cools it shrinks and its in for ever... if you have to resort to a yorkshire screwdriver dont use a big one more along the lines of a toffee hammer and use a drift /old pipe/or curtain rail ...
  2. i think they got to the 5th edition before crashing and burning .. there was quite a long discussion on theses pages at the time
  3. make the rider give the observer 50 quid to query his score like in rallying and the arguing soon stops observers are a precious commodity without which we wouldnt have our sport ban somebody name them in TMX and it'll stop fast as you like
  4. sounds like no petrol / blockage/kink in the pipe didnt hurt the engine try and make it do it again after checking out everything listed above..
  5. isuspect that pound notes or more likely euros are the root cause, not even taking grimbos pay into account how much does it cost to cart a couple of bikes a big tin of spanners, a minder, a big van around half the wotld pay for flights and hotels surely only honda/ montesa can be the only manufactuer who can really 'afford to do it. it must nearly bankrupt the rest...
  6. i understand that the people who own the land are aware of defra and the like and are now only allowing the land to be used twice a year, last weekend for the red rose classic pre 65 trial and this weekend for the bradford trial fantastic venue , great stream and hillside sections just make sure your brakes work because the hill side is steep and i wouldn't ant my bike to break down as theres NO WAY you could push the thing out way toooo steep
  7. i suspect that the words 'dave thorpe' were enough
  8. as the regs have gone from the website the rules are essentially that as long as the bits were commonly available pre 65 and made in uk your ok , carb cant be anything more exotic than a mk1 amal and forks can be anything inside as long as externally their p65 no tubeless tyres that about covers it ..
  9. i 've been to mull a couple of times to do the car rally and you couldnt wish to spend time in a better place, more 'wicker man ' than the scottish but definately somewhere you 'd want to go and who knows you night meet miss houlie
  10. sorry no, i dont even have the rider number from the p65 to chase. as this was literallly only the second bike i took photos of early on friday morning it must have bben parked ust to the left of the entrance to the 'paddock' sorry i cant be any more help than that the other 2 'snaps ' i have of it are attached..
  11. at the scottish i counted probably 5 varients of the same theme the frames seem similar the diffs seem to lay within the engine types, exhausts and forks thats the real beauty and 'handicap' of p65 almost anything goes and its down to personal preference and the size of your wallet the pics are of the most MAR of all the ones i saw, the detail is very good, the hub and box section swing arm and the solution for fitting a 'modern' kick start to an early shaft
  12. working on a project i took the opportunity of getting a fair few detail photos of bikes in the 'paddock' at the p65 this year here are a couple of MAR 'type' James 'replicas' if anyone would like some shots of the james i have about 10 in all which i am happy to mail if you PM me before the weekend
  13. despite the weight advantage of todays ariel i would think that sammy has at least that advantage over gaunty! so as a 'package' i should imagine that weight wise the two are evenly matched fro the two big bikes to do so well against the smaller james and cubs proves , i think, that this years trial was very much won by the right bike for the conditions , powerful well suspended with excellent grip just what you'd choose for dry loose rocks and lots of shale wheras last year with the torrents in the burns the nimbler bike that could change direction quickly was predominant
  14. good video.. that has to be the understatement of all time, although much of the stuff is straight forward its context is unusual the bridge and the dam are something i've not seen before and are genuinely jaw dropping. going to watch it again..
  15. despite it been a very clean looking bike in what looks like the best finish on a beamish i've seen i've never heard of on going for much more than 2/3rds of what you'd like if you dont ask though..
  16. kids were leaving the dunlop van in fort william with enough stickers to decorate your front room..
  17. as regular readers will know i'was probably the first to raise this issue in 'today at kinlochleven' on the friday night in this forum. i've no issue with any of the bikes from south of portsmouth being substantially pre 65 road bikes adapted for trials in common with 99% of the british bikes entered, i'm of the understanding though that bikes had to be of british manufature but by and by. below are carlos casas who i believe as well as been a damn fine rider is also a bank manager in Espania he rode i believe Wally daltons cub and neither wallys or the bikes lineage can be questioned the second shows the only photo of several hundred that i took on the first day at what was for some the first section ( although not fro this particular bike) why no saturday photos or comment well at 4 pm sharp I had to head south for an appointment in exeter the next day at 3 pm where Scarborough were duly relegated on the last day of the season ( it took 3 days to recover and i was back in scotland for the last 3 days of the ssdt.)
  18. 'aluminium works' looks to be missing about a zillion gallons of water from what it was like in 2005! or has the big fella parted the seas before attempting the section and if so is that allowed..
  19. thanks for coming across 'greeves' and greater thanks for riding real british p65 bikes
  20. funny old world i have just bought a peuoget trekker scooter type thing for lomg distance trials ( and a laugh) dont think they would let that in p65 or ssdt though!!
  21. okay, Dan shorey is on record as riding a bultaco modified for trials in the Banburys club trial in 1961 and in fact factory bikes (156cc sherpas) were ridden in the ssdt in 62 and 63 and a 196cc version was entered by bultos nephew i think in 64 so i do not argue that these bultacos /montesa /hondas/ossa that were entered were not eligble on the basis of when they were built or how they were modofied and in fact I personally think that the bikes I saw in Kinlochleven were interesting modifications of pre 65 bikes. HOWEVER ( and i can only draw on my feeble memory as the regs have now been withdrawen from the SSDT website) I was of the understanding that bikes had to be of BRITISH MANUFACTURE to be qualified to enter so unless a group of birmingham engineers joined Me lord wellington on his peninsula campaign, liked it so much they stayed on, as wellington marched north, and took up thier spanners and were followed in the trade by thier sons and daughters these nicely engineered bikes should not be in a pre 65 british bike trial I have a very nice very early montesa (72) that rides much smoother than my humble ( but heavily modified) cub and i know which i would ride if i had to win..
  22. they were posted somewhere on the ssdt site in a forum
  23. totalshell

    Ssdt Friday

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