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steve fracy

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Everything posted by steve fracy
  1. me thinks you are out of touch a bit!! Selling your Fantic 240(too much power) buying a TL250 (trying to make it lighter) and now the Mont 315 is the most durable. Have you owned one? Have you owned any other modern(post 2000) bike???We all appreciate good feedback from people who have had first hand experiences with bikes, but I don't think that is the case here! Mostly ALL the modern bikes are GOOD, it is just personal preference! Steve
  2. No Eric, I believe the thread was for REAL rider's, so Ringo won't be able to qualify. Mick has to be an old favorite. Shared a beer together with him, myself, Outlaw Dave and my Dad in Fort william at the 92 Scottish! Great guy!! Domestically it has to be Geoff Aaron! What about that Japanese rider Nozaki???
  3. I was just looking at the classifieds and saw the pic of that nice 175 Scorpa 4stroke and it got me to thinking that if Scorpa/Yam could get together and produce that little bike at a reduced price, it would be the perfect entry level bike to attract new riders. Kinda the modern day TL125. Capable of riding right up to expert level if need be, but simple, practical and a straight forward little bike! Is anyone listening?? Might help a healthy influx of new rider's!! Steve
  4. Is that Steve's actual bike or a loaner??? Hey Heath is that Michaud in one of the pics on your site? Why was he not competing??? Loved those Rothmans Hondas
  5. Back in the early 80's ( uhum) you know in the olden days as my kids call it! US Nationals and World Rounds were run in conjunction with each other. I believe the last one was in Watkins Glen NY in 84. It was stopped back then because of the same reasons that CT explains. The FIM put pressure on the NATC to have single World only events.
  6. Even though Andy's pics didn't turn out, would be brilliant if anyone else could post some. A story of who was there and what they rode sure would be nice too. I think this event didn't get enough attention, perhaps at the event itself it did! I think it was a brillinat idea to have all those former champs together again, showing they can still ride! Steve
  7. Nice pics of the Garelli. but even nice pic of someone riding a beautiful Fantic 240
  8. Andy, judging by the way things seem to work on here, it was probably a rush of people trying to take the p*** out of you and everyone else that was lucky enough to get to go to Hawkstone! I hope I wasn't one of the offensive posts that got deleted as well!
  9. I bet you think these tongs are for the BBQ, don't you!!!!
  10. steve fracy

    Rev 3 Flooded

    You're close Billy, hmmmmmmmmmm, interesting you would know too. It was Billy's *** bouy. Not sure how he got that one though. Seriously, when I introduced Francois to Sid Maudlin on the fri night in the lounge, he said " I won't be able to pronounce that name, we'll just call you Tex from now on". Priceless!
  11. steve fracy

    Rev 3 Flooded

    Leggins: Just reading through the post's again and didn't you post on here earlier that you were in Winnipeg??? The later on this thread you mentioned being in England. What gives???
  12. Hockey player or trained Meteorologist, which is it then???
  13. steve fracy

    Rev 3 Flooded

    Francois was given a new nickname in Denver in 1987 at the NATC meeting my a Texas member. What was the nickname and who gave it to him?
  14. steve fracy

    Rev 3 Flooded

    Oh contrare mon ami Billy T. Not only do I know where Muenster is, I have had some of my best rides there in the past. I won a Central Regional series event there once and also my very first US Nat'ls (albeit the Expert class) in 1993. I have fond memories of that place. I was also there in 83 to see my first world round. Went to some sort of barn dance and drank Tequila to become some sort of honorary Texan. It was a sad day indeed for me when I read the news about Dave Seeley passing as he was truly one of the finest gentleman I had ever met! As well, there isn't enough ink here to tell all the tales about sitting around the campfire with Ramon and Danny drinking Corona's trying to get Jonny Andersson to eat a Jalapeno pepper!! Steve
  15. steve fracy

    Rev 3 Flooded

    Billy: There's no way that I have ever seen a "Scottish Bum" as everyone knows that a Scotsman only lifts his kilt for one reason and one reason only, and I don't ever remember seeing you wear a pair of velcro mits while herding your sheep! As well, I'm now deeply disturbed that you've been fantasizing about me bumm! Cheers you pasty *******!
  16. steve fracy

    Rev 3 Flooded

    No worries Leggins, Billy is from Scotland. He's even more white and pasty than you!
  17. Jay: You're still the man riding that thing around and just finishing Your still an animal for sure! You have to come up with that man Ishy and contest our Premier twinshock series, the Outlaw Series. Very high level of competition for sure. Myself, Sparky Bill, Todd Nordin, Brett Clark, Don Doerkson etc. Put it on the calendar for next year mate Cheers, Steve
  18. I would think that your best bet is to contact a reputable authorized dealer for Sammy Miller Products and probably Wes mufflers too. Outlaw Dave has you covered there and deals with Sammy on a regualar basis@
  19. Often on here we are commonly reading comments by people about service and products they are unhappy with. Occassionaly we are able to pass on our positive experiences with people and companies, and this is just such a letter! I just wanted to take a minute to thank Beta USA not only for their top notch service but the knowledge about Beta that they have passed on now for some 20yrs. I know that many people in North America share the experiences I have had too. I am just so pleased that my son is able to ride such a great bike for him and that Beta themselves offer such a wide variety of machines to suit kid's of all ages!!! We just received our 06 Rev80 which much to my surprise is noticably better than the 05. I am just tickled, and the smile on my son's face tonight during his first ride on it says it all! Over the last 3yrs, the bikes and the service have defenitely concreted my belief in the product and the people supplying them. A big thank you to Ron Sr. and Ron Jr. for their continuing support and knowledge. I am proud to have been able to call you guys friends for all these years! Cheers, Steve
  20. steve fracy

    Rev 80

    there used to be a thread on the Youth section about changing the rear sprocket to a 57T , can anyone tell me, doesn't this make the gearing a bit higher?? Been a few years since I started messing with gearing, and I am getting old you know! thanks Steve
  21. steve fracy

    Rev 80

    Can anyone tell me where to get and from who, an aftermarket sprocket for an 06 Rev80??? Does either Talon or Renthal make them??? Looking for a 57 Tooth rear! cheers, Steve
  22. Bloody ell Lane, your turning into the same thing on here as the Natc you bitterly complain about. If we all squak enough, perhaps we can all get our own section on here then! A lot like having 4000 different versions of Senior classes for every other age category.
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