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steve fracy

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Everything posted by steve fracy
  1. My deepest heartfelt sympathies to you Martin and all your family on the loss of your Dad. I never had the privelege of meeting him. He was to many a great role model and embassador for our sport, and a great father and coach to you. Godspeed! Sincerely, Steve
  2. I reserve the right to deny my age when referring to the era of my fav"s. World: Dougie- smoothest, hungriest, and most determined ever! Jordi- raw talent, changed the way we ride, true embassador for the sport Steve Saunders- never witnessed anyone who could get grip like him ever! Thierry Michaud- most amazing rider using the clutch, and he rode a Fantic! US: Geoff Aaron- have known him since he was a teenager. Huge respect for how me has managed to stay so motivated to be the best for so long. A great person with a real personality! Scott Head- The most determined and focused person I ever competed against. Truly under-rated as a National Champ! Ryan Young- the technician! An amazing understanding of technique and a master at executing it. Evident today if you have ever watched one of his training videos!
  3. Ish: There are two 05's here on the rock that have barely a few months riding on them and are going for cheap. I believe you could get them for about $5500 Cdn. I also know there are a couple still in the box around too! Steve
  4. Ron Commo Jr, the Us Beta importer. Try him at www.betausa.com
  5. Hmmm, $$$$$ and bodyguards( aka minder's) to discourage any stalker's? Now it's starting to make more sense
  6. How many "trials" 4T's have Sherco sold???? Not enough to make them continue to produce it perhaps?? In there 07 press release, they state something about the new 2T lineup being what the public wants. GG have not produced a trials4T engine as of yet. probably have a prototype I would guess. Beta the same. Scorpa have used an existing Yam engine much like there 2stroke so I would imagine that must help with cost.They are still working the bugs out of it too. Your theory about the 4T's being built to make money doesn't hold much water as of yet I'd say. If that is the reason, then in my mind it has failed so far. If you can give me facts to prove me wrong, I'll gladly admitt it, but just looking at it from that view, don't see anything rediculous. Steve
  7. By such a ridiculous statement you completly invalidate any miniscule measure of sense or reason in your view. There is no mandate. There are only emissions laws. They did not hire the best. Raga is the best. They hired #5. Not sure what the hell your talking about mate! Only thing that has a minscule measure of sense to me is for a company to sink tons of $$$ into developing a machine that by and large, is still only capturing a very small piece of the overall pie. By and large, 2stroke machines are still more popular and in higher demand. We were told a few years ago by the FIM that 4strokes would be phased in as the only bike allowed to compete in international events. At the time I beleive questions were asked if it was a simple emissions limit, and no clear answers were given. The original date of implementation of this rule was changed at least twice that I know of. HRC/Honda have put the squeeze on the other small factories because they do not have the R&D bucks. I take my hat off to Sherco for throwing their hat into the ring, even with the fact that they had some problems with the 4T with starting it is a good bike and out of the box has more power that the Mont. Either way personally I don't care too much 4 or 2stroke, but I can't see it good for the sport forcing the small guys to HAVE to build a 4stroke only.(Obviously this has been backed off). Buying a championship rediculous??? Arguably, if Fuji and Doug did not have to develop the works Mont's as they went along, Raga might not have won his world titles. Bou is clearly the brightest new star on the world circuit right now, and I'm sure that no one else could have matched the offer he got from HRC. So what was so rediculous about any of that? STeve
  8. Hey Powellriver315, have you tried contacting your local Beta dealer which is right in your back yard?? mark grey?
  9. I agree with one point that the factory Mont's whether they be the 315's or the 4RT's are nothing like the stock bike either in weight or power! For me, I guess the only thing I question is Honda's mandate. I don't like the fact that it seems like(from an uninformed view) that they have been putting pressure on the FIM to enforce a 4stroke only rule.What is the actual point of view of the FIM. Is it a emissions concern? If so it should be open season, 2stroke or 4stroke, you must adhere to the level of emissions. Honda is the biggest motorcycle company in the world, and if they can force all the small factories of trials bikes into having to produce 4strokes, I think that is bad for the sport. If they simply want to produce a modern 4stroke and show us how good they can make it, I say hat's off to them! It doesn't really matter to me personally. I do prefer the 2stroke for performance and ease of maintenance. But I am not opposed to riding a 4stroke in the future. As soon as they can build one that in my mind is better than a 2stroke, I would get one! As for Bou, he has to do what is best for him! Probably not the best for Beta or the sport, but quite obviously the best for him. Mont/Honda has quickly become the New York Yankee's of the Trials world. They can go out each an every year and purchase the services of the best available talent in order to win a championship! Good luck in the long run! Cheers, steve
  10. Go to a 38 pilot and a 112main and she'll run right as rain! Make sure to check your exhaust and especially the middle section as this can drastically alter performance.
  11. Ish: On behalf of both your mates Perce and Kinell, I would have to say that Yes, you are a pillock! Can't resist when you serve it up like that. Cheers, Steve
  12. That makes three of us then guys, just figured maybe Andy modified the site to smarten up those of us who are "keyboard challenged".
  13. Well fellas, looks like everything is panned out and it's a done deal! Should have it home in a few weeks!! Cheers, Steve
  14. Cheers for that Gaz My point is that I would probably feel the same if I came over to ride with you too! I have literally ridden in almost every place in North America,( besides the TTC, this year!) and have to say that although there are subtle differences in the personalities, trials people on the whole are a constant in the formula!
  15. Please be so kind and peacefull to point out where I was being rude??? What is "Canadian Mentality"? It almost seemed like a slight on my country and Canadian's, sorry but I take offense to that everytime.
  16. Nice! But I was expecting to see some bloke bashing his way through a quarry in Wales somewhere! steve
  17. With statements like "the Canadian mentality" I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms anywhere you go! Not sure what the hell that is supposed to mean! You make your own happy place, and friends where ever you are. We live in one of the greatest countries in the world bar none! Sure hope you find what you're looking for, though I doubt a "fun trials club" is really it. I have belonged to many clubs over the years, here and south of the border, and always had fun! Steve
  18. A committment to your child that we all aspire to think we could acheive. Very inspirational!!
  19. Barry: Looking forward to some good pics from my mate taff who is to meet up with you guys today!! have fun!
  20. Jean Pierr Goy, former trick rider for Fantic, and Phillipe Berlatier from France during a test probably for the mag Moto Verte. Notice the Italjet gear, not his usual bike, the fantic.
  21. Name the two rider's in the pics above ?
  22. Could be wrong, but doesn't KTM have ties with Beta?? Some of their smaller bikes have KTM engines in them!
  23. Don't always go by what you read or people tell you, as much as personal observations. I personally have seen many a Mont frame being welded. All the new bikes are good. I don't believe one brand is superior than the other as far as reliability is concerned. They all require routine maintenance, or, any one of them will have problems.
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