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Everything posted by rosey
  1. Golf!... golf isn't a sport (well not in the league of Trials)... but I suppose it's a sport if curling is The main problem with most other 'things' (games sports, etc.) is that the course can be played/driven round/rode by people of all levels... but, as we all know, Trials isn't like that! Blimey.. I was going to suggest Bosis as he rode at a decent level until last year! Looks like they were all a bit 'hard of thinking' if they laid out sections to suit previous rules. Well if all the rounds are like that will they still attract 13 riders, or however many there were?... However, if there are no minders in the sections (is this true?), maybe it will make them all think about severity..................eventually!!! I just hope nobody gets smashed up before they realise.
  2. The void between the winners and also ran riders is getting larger so it seems. To take 48 of Bou says it's too hard. Sadly riders as good as Wiggy and Browny look poor in the results (and we know they can ride!) If they don't have one then the FIM needs to wise up and get a professional section advisor to travel the series (I'm talking an ex top world level rider) ... It will cost money (but if they can't afford such costs then they may as well pull the plug), but so what... Still how can they take marks of the best without killing the others it remains a challenge! I was looking forward to going to Baiona, but the volcanic ash put a stop to that... Hey the sections may have been laid out easy, but the volcanic ash could have greased them up!!!.... Tricky was there any volcanic activity before the Scarborough trial?
  3. I've got the same bike and its very strong off the bottom end. It pulls high gears and can dig into softer terrain nicely, but it's how you feed in the power (clutch etc.) on the slippery clay/grassy slopes type surfaces that seems to be the problem. It certainly doesn't seem to be ideal for riding styles that use only a small amount of clutch. It's also very wearing as it takes a fair bit of concentration to feed the power in smoothly. Make sure your rear suspension is set nice and compliant though, it'll give you a chance to ride with a bit more weight on the rear without it kicking you forward all the time. As I recall... maybe incorrectly!!! It needs to drop at least a third of the travel with you stood on it... are they 180mm??? at the back... so work on at least 60mm drop. If you are a beginner then good luck! These type of bikes are nice to blast about on, but when it comes to real riding in sections only 0.5% of the trials riders ought to have such a thing (and these guys get them for nothing!). But it's like most things for us... more is better, when really it isn't. The 160 Gasser was a much easier bike to ride!!! I still wouldn't consider changing mine for anything lesser though
  4. Having seen the vid I think you should re-title this .. Why the Audi Quattro needs a driver Wait on I've found this ex motodosser called Travis .... he'll be able to teach you!
  5. Sounds like somebody who's made for government!
  6. I've got an '07 300. The one that GasGas riveted a crappy little brass plate to, threw a few other bits such as carb etc. at it and called a Raga. I'm using 11/42 and hardly use first gear unless on dry rocks. I use the clutch a lot and ride slow... a bit too slow (always have done) . Gearing is a matter of preference. I used to run GG 160's and 200's and upped the gearing to 10/41 (I think) from 10/44 or 46 or whatever... and still hardly ever used First gear on those! I don't find the 300 to be that soft low down, but don't really care. It is a bit awkward at low throttle grip, but fun to ride . Best thing to do is spend your money on fuel and ride it... forget all the mods just learn to ride it.
  7. re: Mono Yam, I ought to mention that they (Mono Yams) had loads of problems at first though... back of crank cases being ripped out... broken swingarms (but some of these were caused by stand brackets being welded on). Later models had extra engine mounts and a cylinder head mount too... Oh and the front brake plate failures... dangerous on the road! One reason why the TY was so successful also was it was set up soft and compliant out of the box (set up for a 10 stone Jap?). Surprisingly most riders just jumped on and rode them, so when they tried other bikes that were set up for 15+ stone Italians or whatever, these bikes just spat them off! However if you ride a TY now they feel really archaic.... but then its a 27 year old design! I can't recall the 300 being so cheap, but maybe it was. Anyway what will the new importer try to charge for T'Ossa? (and will it have a decompressor ) As I've not seen the current prices what is a GG 250/300? 4500? what about a Mont?
  8. Interesting ....."Rubbish the mont was more expensive that sold , remember the ty mono 20% more than anything else that sold, and lets not mention the rtl. There is an aging demographic which has money to spend if this is the thing to have lighter better materials etc a premium will be paid.The problem with the comment about the costs of the others?" I'd like to correct the first bit and say 'mont was the more expensive rubbish that sold', but that wouldn't be true! You need to recall that of the models mentioned (RTL, F4RT and Mono Yam) ONLY the monoshock Yam was actually 100% better than the other bikes on the market at the time for normal riders!, but the quality of the RTL and TY Mono were MUCH better than the other bikes on the market. Not only could you keep them for 5 years as they were not worn out, but they were basically still current models as well! Actually you've got me wondering about the TY Mono... I remember a price of about
  9. If its the same price as all the others it will be too dear...... unless the quality is in a different league... Or it as a decompressor!!!!! that device that seems to be essential on an Ossa, so you can do extended farts whilst going down hills. Were they of any real use at all?
  10. Garelli did make a twin shock trials bike. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3434 This crate here is evidence! And Aprilia did actually make a decent Rotax engined twin shocker too (as well as the Hiro version), but I have only seen one recently and that was in Spain In fact this pic is of two! in Spain by the looks of the reg plate. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3570/331199..._35a42c7aaa.jpg
  11. Then your arch enemy 're-replaces' the flag in a dark place that needs surgical removal
  12. Apparently that type of training makes your hair fall out... I'd check with Jordi before you start.... too late for me!
  13. Might as well call it a Xispa as that'll be Xispa's model for sometime like 2012-2015 sorted out..
  14. rosey

    2010 Xispa

    Will they have a tubular frame and a tank under the seat in 2011? Need to get a model to sit across it too at 2010 show!
  15. Pity about the photos....the cameraman must have had shaky hands ... not sure why! Throw it on its side to refuel..... anyway nowt new is it... JCM had a take on this in the past. Hopefully its priced right and rides nice... All the Sherco's I've tried have been really nice bikes to ride... apart from a crap steering 'lock', which is a bit silly on a trials bike. When is Xispa's version coming out 2011?
  16. What if a lot break... 10...20 whatever...Then its a GG factory problem. A lot did start breaking on something like the 98 model year (might have been a year or so each way). Shirty arranged for GG to send over some fitters with frames and swap all the frames that had cracked If you are looking at one off cases (that are highlighted so much better now everybody is webwise) then they need to be dealt with on a one off basis. Some of these will then start to highlight owners mods and their own drillings for some fitting or other... of course others show a defect and therefore ought to be changed. Goodwill can be a damn good advert for a bike maufacturer/importer... better than direct advertising, but there has to be a limit to goodwill too.
  17. Ahhhh well now thats a prototype. Yes this is one of the folding models... just a slight problem on the design. Well at least it will go in the bin easier!
  18. TWI also has a place in Sheffield on the Waverley site http://www.twi.co.uk/ But with luck GG UK's sorted you out with a replacement.
  19. Ohh!!!!!! Do Montesa sell a 2 stroke engine to drop in then ????? Or do they do 'factory' earplugs? What a sadly depleted market the Xispa ventures into. Albeit, it appears perhaps, for a short time only??? Ossa next? Greaves didn't did it? Scorpa with the TYZ engine didn't catch on and really that was a bike for the masses. What a great bike to ride! Smooth and compliant... it was what the TYZ should have been. 99.99% of riders want a bike thats world round pedigree, but in reality they need something like the Scorpa. Was it too dear though? Is/was the Xispa like this (like the Scorpa not in price but to ride)?
  20. ..possibly eligible for pre65 as it seems like anything is! Nah I reckon its a Mecatecno 'Dragonfly', or whatever they called them, with that lump thrown in it P
  21. rosey

    '09 Raga

    As has been said... it's what it's worth to people... I mean who in their right mind pays 1000's for a watch when a 10 quid Casio does the same job . The main thing is that the customer wants it! If so then they buy it and hopefully enjoy it. It certainly looks nice! There is nowt wrong with having the best. And as Tombo46 says GG are not forcing anybody to buy it! The truth is that virtually everyone who has to buy a bike isn't good enough to get the most out of them.... Those who are get them for nowt. Most of us end up spending money on big engine bikes and then more on tuning them down (flywheel weights slow action throttles etc.) then we go out and find that they still drag us all over the place..... great isn't it! Now I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard that a true Raga Replica would be unrideable by mortals 5k plus is still a fair bit of dosh to throw at rocks...even if it has a red cylinder head!
  22. Oh my god is it April 1st already? It looks like they are trying to go back in time.... conventional forks though !!!! Are the pictures correct? It looks as high as an early Aprilia Climber. Colour scheme is certainly mid '80 BMX! Well if its serious at
  23. Is it an 'Edition '03' TXT280 then?... don't compare it with the 'Pro' models! Edition ones are dressed up 2001 bikes and they are much better than the early 'Pro' models
  24. Hmm now I know why they have minders - Tell them when to breathe. - Tell them the time (ermmm. the big hand is on 12 and the little hand.....) - And the other stuff like wheel position and catching etc!!! As some have mentioned they out to consider how long it is going to take and manage their time in the section. The top guys are Professors when it comes to riding skills , but that doesn't mean they are clever enough to manage other things such as time! I think the time limit is good and when you see a good minder (Like Harold Crawford with Wiggy), they are calm and seem to have a good idea of the section... yep of course there are times when time gets tight but that is the risk you take. In Ireland I was surprised on one stream section how long riders were taking to turn a corner in the stream with hopping when they could have flicked the front wheel off the side of the stream....But this was early in the section so the 'urgency' was not there then. The time limit has sorted the WTC trials out for the better I think........ Worse for the observers though!
  25. I don't have a sense of humor I don't even have a sense of humour! Lampkin isn't using one of those intercomm jobs is he?.... I'd doubt it... I expect he would need ear plugs to be honest!
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