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Everything posted by lewis_gasgas
  1. Where did you guys get it from ?
  2. Its on ebay but selling the fat bar clamps and yokes....
  3. unlucky lad ..isnt it an offence to leave the scene of an acident anyway ?
  4. If you dont mind me asking what happened ? And welcome back ..
  5. You putting some more pics on your site R2w ?
  6. howdy this website will help you loads with anything trust me
  7. Just to note hes taken that off the GG uk site so your not contacting blocky..GG uk scroll down abit.
  8. Absolute Bull....frames dont snap only frame ive seen snapped is on world indoor site and who rides like that , theres already a discussion going on about that...only the 03 clutch was prone to going this guy is talking about a 06 bike why would it pack up until about 5 or 6 years ? Gears are fine...tanks dont leak ...dont know where that came from but the sherco one is plastic..Too be honest i would prefer my gas gas and tell you now it does finish.
  9. That was mint love the flip and the tree thing...
  10. If you havnt entered a trial yet arron you wouldnt even get round a B class route without giving up.
  11. Your telling me youve never rode a rock ? So if i plonked you a 1ft to 2ft high rock and about a foot wide you would be clueless ? Gee lad get doing some real trials Get your club to get some rocks from your local quarry...then you cant be wrong
  12. That pic looks like someone has taken a sledge hammer to that bike .....
  13. So i got told that if your going to get a new bike do it every year as it works out cheaper in the long run.
  14. Didnt yours reverse Andy ?? Maybe these shercos want to try the sections backwards..
  15. Prob Not I bought my bike from ebay never seen it in real life looked quite good in the pics though and when i got it, it was better than it looked in the photos had to be good though as it was an 05 but didnt know what the engine was like just trusted the seller...and that was from edinborough.
  16. I said he would sell them better on their own becuase some people already will have fork protectors ect.. and i was asking about the swinging arm ones ? what you think about them ? He also said he couldnt tell me where they were from but he could get more ...so i said i know you would add extra cost on them so could you tell me where they come from origionally , he said not as he was not allowed.
  17. Think that would be a good idea Andy you could always sell some at hawkstone if you got someone to have a stall or something with your TC clothes ect ?
  18. Dont think there is any , you cant even get any models of them like built ones.
  19. Click HERE <--- 03 Brochure you cant have looked very hard chipy Tells you about stuff Arron if you aint got a hand book
  20. If you just want to talk about bike trials since you think its better why dont you stay on the trials bike website? Nothing against bike trials as i have a Base..Ta26 ..
  21. lewis_gasgas


    Whats pinking sound like ?
  22. lewis_gasgas


    Well isnt it just hitting the bottom of the carb or what ever it does like its supposed to think you can hear the throttle like knocking when it returns quickly.
  23. Whos voted bike trials ? just say ?
  24. Go to your dealer james and try a load on best way i went out to get some gearne came back with new hebos.
  25. lewis_gasgas


    He rides a Beta thought
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