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as iow

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Everything posted by as iow
  1. as iow

    Chris Stay

    Yes i remember that evening , how about scraping the no stop rule, and just go for a no touching the ground while'st in the section rule. Much easier for everyone to understand and a lot more fun :madsanta:
  2. as iow

    Chris Stay

    You need short arms, no brains, amazing sense of balance, and no fear of ever head butting the ground, as others have found out. It also helps if you can fly.
  3. as iow

    Chris Stay

    In the same way he can do this, just one of his tricks.
  4. as iow

    Chris Stay

    IOW youth C star Chris Stay will be out of action untill after Christmas after braking his left thumb whilst jumping his Monty off a 4ft drop at home . Hand now in plaster everyone p*ssed off but hay ************* **** happens. :santa1: PS Both Chris & George Gosden are now sponsored by REPSOL OIL thanks to Steve Saunders at SXS
  5. Any news on the Y.M.S.A. 3 day / Richmond youth nationals clash , after all 123 riders who took part in the 3 day last year can't be wrong
  6. As we can see by the amount of posts on this subject everyone has a different view , but at the end of the day trials is a sport and as long as the rules are made clear at the start of the event, i don't think it matters. We have been to several trials recently when halfway through the first lap we find out it's no stop rules, which is OK but it would be better iff it was made clear at the start. When we ride the British youth championships everyone knows the rules so leave them alone, below that, it should be left to the clubs to decide how they run their trials as long as the rules are made clear at the start :madsanta: The worst thing about trials is when you get some centre expert who thinks he's Adam Raga showing off in the middle of the section , while eveyone else is waiting to have their go, at least the no stop rule would cut out the show off's.
  7. I heard that he has his own hair dresser and a pie making machine at home He also plays the saxaphone and likes dressing as a traffic warden whilst relaxing in the evening
  8. I think the no stop rule would be OK for all Expert or A route riders but would be unfair on the C/D class lads or novices who often stop sat down with their feet on the ground to sort themselfs out. We like to encourage the newcom'er to the sport, and giving them a five everytime they stop in a section would soon put them off.
  9. Yes Yes when you talk Beta 80, you talk Jake,george,& chris rule OK
  10. Fit Rev 250 rear shock, change to 57T rear sprocket, fit Beta jet kit, lighten sump guard, fork yoks, front hub & Disc. Fit alloy wheel spacers. Open air box inlets, and rework (FRONT exhaust pipe) lock stops, front mud guard bracket, fit 4 pot front caliper, use Gas Gas 2000 tubless rear wheel, and then you can do stuff like this....
  11. What year is the Rev 80 ?
  12. As the ACU acadamy riders practice at Dob park would that be fair on all the other lads? How about Addingham moorside or Keighley gate.
  13. as iow

    Youth Forum

    Good idea this youth forum but a bad time to start as not much going on in the youth trials world. Everyone,s doing their homework and thinking about next year
  14. I was in my prime at the time and basicly the Fantic 200 was the Dogs Bo**ocks, anyone could ride one, youth's & Adults . It had just enough power and was so light that you could put it anywhere. The Bultaco was good to ride but would wear out in know time if used at the top level, so i think the Fantic's sales killed off the Bultaco
  15. I think Wiggy would beat Sanz and on a good day would be giving the likes of Dabill & Oliveras a run for their money, so i don't know how the US lad would compair with this. But on present fourm Sam Haslam has the edge on Alexz, so look out world here come the Brits.
  16. as iow

    New Beta ?

    Spoke to John lampkin today..he said it did'nt come from the factory.
  17. as iow

    New Beta ?

    Looks like Nick's been on holiday again! Weight guess...68/69KG More interestingly, is that a fourstroke version in the background?
  18. So who's going to the BVM test day then.. it's the place to be on Wednesday.. Chance to check out all the new bikes.
  19. I think some of these dates will change, Inter centre youth trial, same weekend as European youth round , and Richmond British youth championship rounds clashing with popular Y.M.S.A. 3 day trial interesting
  20. as iow

    Scot Trial

    Where did i get too on the Beta 80? I think i got across the Grouse moor and came to a big valley where i noticed the rad hose split . When i found my way back to a road i was 6 miles from Reeth and blood freezing. Everythink was just a blur all day so i don't know how far i got, but well chuffed with the trophy ( big shock )
  21. Yes the championship for people over 40 with 4 childern 5 horse's 4 cat's 2 dog's a nagging wife and very little time on their hands. Who live south of the M4 , and get sh*t all week for spending too much time messing around with those bl**dy motorbikes.
  22. Does anyone know what happened to Ross Danby, Rob Andrews, and Jake Briton on Saturday night? I droped them of in Ryde at 1.45am after the indoor trial co's they had five pounds and wanted to go to a night club and get a taxi home
  23. Andy Can you get the above review as a front posting to go with photos Finished clearing arena 1.30am ready for horse show next day,gave Ross Danby, Rob Andrews and Jake Briton a lift into Ryde so they could find a night club ! dont know how they got on, got home 2.15am. Back at Shorwell this morning with Chris for C/D round, and machine examination. George Gosden.4 Chris Stay 7 Jake-Luter-Evens 18 Jack Sheppard O Keelan Hancock 10 Alister Bedford ? Back at Brickfields to night to continue clearing up,and still lots to do. I'm knackered, thanks to all the riders for the signed card . More to follow once i recover
  24. Everyone has arrived on the Island today inc Gomez etc, everyone's talking about (THE WALL) tomorrow at 10.30am the bull**** stops and the action will start. You get the feeling that this trial is going to be BIG, which is the only way to describe the sections
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