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Everything posted by breagh
  1. Anyone know if the later Yamaha YBR 125 engine with Fi is a straight swap with the wee Scorpa 125/143/163 engines.? Cheers.
  2. We're spoilt up here and we,ve never had a rider at WTC level,tells me the ground makes no difference. I take it a certain German even failed in his attempts to rough things up a bit. 15 stone for the rider? no good up here with our diet of Irn Bru,haggis suppers and mutton pies we would need at least a 19 stone minimum.
  3. Pretty sure both mine had points ignition as standard so this would make sense. Wish I could tell you if it was a 250 or 350 can't mind any differences,but the 250 was much nicer. As yours seem to have a decompressor it could be the big one? Looks really nice.
  4. This doesn't really answer your questions,but try to think who is going to come to your trial. Then run the Trial to suit the majority/average rider you expect to attract.
  5. Sadly the public wouldn't know the difference between a Trials bike a Mxer if they were run over by either of them. Trials would be a lot more popular if the general public were wise to the difference. No doubt most trials riders have tried to explain the sport to others,but it's not a conversation that I relish. I think more events like the City Trial would help. Odd thing to me is the clip was in Yorkshire which is the one place you would think they would know these things?
  6. Right on Brian,you wouldn't find a better club Trial this side of the wall. Another Lothian Classic. Many thanks to all who made it happen. Cheers.
  7. Tell me you're not selling up Stu old bean. Can't do that now that you're No1 rider in Tayside.
  8. Welcome laud,from Fife. Pretty smart looking gird for an 06. There was a lad at one of our trials the other week had it's double. Might see you at a Montrose trial sometime if you get the bug. Cheers the noo
  9. Take the pedal off and use a long Allen key or similar to push the plunger. That way you get full travel. Slacken the bleed nipple and put a short length of clear (just so you can see the air) plastic hose on it pointing upwards and fill with fluid. Plunge away and keep topping the res up. Only problem I've had is a pinhole in the res' pipe. Cheers
  10. I heard there's a problem with the cakes next weekend Brian? We'll just have to make the best of it ,if your misses is on the barbecue again tell her to be a bit more heavy handed than she was at the 2 day. It's a long way from Fife and i don't want to fork out for fish suppers for a very ungrateful entourage on the return trip. See you soon. .
  11. Consider a Scorpa SY125/200, Good enough to win a Wobbler Trial and reasonable on the road. Very low maintenance and hold there value. Good ones pretty thin on the ground, Not sure if you can still buy new?t
  12. You forgot the cakes Brian? Best cakes at any trial ever. Don't even bring the bike,just enter and try these cakes.
  13. Hello there. I trust you're not planning riding on that faired thingy at any trials? If so I would suggest ditching the slicks. Dare I suggest you're an ex racer/roadie? Our club's full of them. Some even finish a trial now and then. Cheers.
  14. Valid point Taff. Worth thinking about,Wobblers def'has a inferred comic ineptitude about it. Does however invoke interest from non trials folk. Maybe I should start a sister club? That "Rockhoppers " name sounds good. Thanks.
  15. Thanks again folks. We're still picking up members,but still lose a few as is natural. We're still like a secret society at times,I feel this is our greatest burden. I've said similar before,there's plenty riders out there if only they knew about trials. Cheers.
  16. Hello from sunny Fife. Welcome from Wobblerland,
  17. My guess,float level slightly low/high?
  18. In general I would say the Trials bike would be ones weapon of choice. Not always though,look at some of the extreme enduros. You need sheer power and lots of travel to get up things. Trials suspension doesn't work well at speed.
  19. Thanks for the replies gents. I'm happy enough with the way it's adjusted and biting point. When it gets really hot is when you notice It especially trying to find neutral. I think a strip down is on the cards. Cheers.
  20. IMO makes no difference between starts and end cards. Why anyone up here would need a 300 is debatable as all we do is piddle around in burns and tight stuff.. No many old gassers at out trials,lot more Betas???
  21. Hi folks. Got an 07ish of the above. No really wanting to put a new clutch in it as it doesn't slip . However it doesn't clear cleanly even right in. I've tried a number of semi synthetic oils and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Advice welcome.. .
  22. Me too,though I'd be picking up a state of the art East European trialer for about 1500 euros soon.
  23. breagh

    4 Stroke

    I remember loads of them in the 08 SSDT. I think they were pretty good in the right hands,didn't Graham Jarvis win the BTC on one?
  24. Ride a trial using only your own skill and determination? It'll never catch on. Far too British.
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