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Everything posted by chewy
  1. How can a manufacturer fit a fuel filter that dissplves in fuel.... not doubting your word just seems a dumb thing for a manufacturer to do.
  2. Yea I agree i bought Contour ready for this summer (after a lot of deliberation as the picture quality of the go pro appeared better to me). I actually put a small bolt through the helmet adaptor as well as the sticky pad, there's a little lanyard to the actual camera and you can level the camera with your line of sight easily, I leave the mount on my helmet and the camera fixes to it with "velcro" as well as clipping into the splines. My first effort was in HD which really uses up memory and is tedious to upload so I will be using 720 from now on. If anybody can reccomend a simple and cheap editor software I would be interested as that is now the next step for me.
  3. I reckon Chris at Splatshop advert /link on this site will put you right for parts.
  4. What a fantastic Blog from totalshell.. Like you Cope it got my "Juices" flowing for a similar project..... top marks.
  5. One of our landowners (who we made club president) made this little poem up and read it at our dinner dance link http://www.kingswoodmcc.co.uk/regs/poem.pdf thoughtfull guy is Mark
  6. Thats probably as good as it will get negotiate!!
  7. I love usfull tools..nice one
  8. Would you need to split the head off?...It's only going to cost you an hour and a base gasket plus the bits to find out.. good luck with it
  9. chewy

    Backpack weight

    If it's of any interest I came to the conclusion that a lightweight universal spanner might be a good thing generally for trials riders but particularly for the SSDT I profiled a first off this morning from 3mm ally ..(laser cut titanium would be better if there was demand) anyway this one weighs 24 grammes.. fits 24 mm rear wheel, spark plug, 13 AF, 10mm hex for bit of 10mm hex..front wheel spindle, 14 AF... Dellorto float drain, 17 AF...Mikuni float drain, It fits in your pocket... for some rough pics go to https://picasaweb.google.com/102454155493315266755/RemovableStorage02?authkey=Gv1sRgCKKD89yBhcnR5AE# I have tried it on Beta and Sherco and it works for all the above but need to know if it would work on flat slide cards if they have a float bowl drain!? Time is tight to get finished saleable item for this year but any constructive thoughts /ideas to incorporate ( not beer bottle openers or nail clippers) would be usefull
  10. Why are they so ruddy expensive Is there no way amongst us all to sort out remoulding tooling etc. the price for new would drop pretty dam quick then.
  11. Anybody else going, have done the 3 day was excellent check out http://www.motoclub12.com/
  12. Brilliant. Purple Helmets.. I.ve been trying to explain the humour in the name to a french mate..Is this peculiarly British humour?
  13. Nice one ;clearly you're a man of good taste as I spy a pair of my footrests on it. all best just have fun.
  14. chewy

    Backpack weight

    Probably safer than the Milton (renamed now)was last year!
  15. chewy

    Backpack weight

    What a co incidence ..I've just come in from my little workshop where I.ve been drawing up a profile for a 3mm thick flat spanner one 24 af hex one for spark plug, each end overall lentgh 130mm (pocket size) one 13 AF I wanted it to be "universal" so am trying for usable 14mmm & 16mm for float bowl drain as well but as some of you know getting a big spanner into a little gap with cold wet hands can be tricky. I always used to carry a 20mmm length of allen key for front spindle and turn it with a spanner and can accomadate this into my little project. Water is heavy so I agree use the fuel stops and carry absolute minimum. Two small tyre levers are enough;... is anyone going to be running with Tyre Jhonnys,,also as I understand it Dunlop is rear tyre of choice for SSDT as they stay on rim better when flat. Nice to find some conversations about SSDT at last.
  16. chewy

    Wheel ReBuild

    Cope The only time $4,5000 of new bike arriving new out of the box with a carb full of white gunge , an engine awash with petrol, bike wanting to run backwards and a dodgy rim could be considered optimised would be if you wanted to spend more hours in the garage than riding it. I would accept that Sherco isn't a bad bike compared to what else is available but it's not a bike anybody can buy and just ride to the best of thier abilities....IMHO. (born from first hand experience). all best CW
  17. Somebody told me that gas gas and Scorpa are interchangeable with no mods, I think also with 1mm off the spacers they will fit Sherco also, It would be good to know/confirm things like this.
  18. chewy

    Wheel ReBuild

    Didn't do much really ..dropped the needle 1 & 1/2.. set float height correct cleaned the carb out it had the white gunge others have mentioned. Timing just trial and error ..it's quick to do with the right tools (had to replace oem washers on the 3 m5 socket cap stator bolts;think they're made of toffee or something ;.. I don't want it flat just smooth and of course you run the risk of running too hot if too retarded, it still hints at big bang (only on tickover) but I think I would have to mess about with compression ratio which I'm loath to do. Boyensens ..what spend money! ..I have plenty of time now retired so I made a 3mm spacer twixt reed block and crank .as I said above probably better to put some thick base gaskets in but like you say I'm only massaging/tinkering with it. not into needless surgery. I think the biggest change for better (for me) was the yoke and shims to a) reduce the trail a bit (32 mm @ wheel spindle) and put bar mounts foreward and up (up by 10mm now) It just feels better. I think the net effect I stumbled upon is quicker turning in which can sometimes make steering heavy(flop effect) compensated for by more leverage as the bar mounts are further from the headstock spindle this is all relative to where one puts the bars but for me bars foreward means too much weight on my old arms, I went through several years of tendonitus at elbows untill I found the cure was to pull the bars back a bit (slow learner) all best CW
  19. chewy

    Wheel ReBuild

    you're right about the massaging bit, and just to wind Neo up a bit more so does Janet (ambiguous eh?); I'm really proud of her she has been on more ruddy podiums than me in the last ten years, she never whinges, never gives up and always smiles. best bit is that our holidays are all trials based (we're entered for 4 multi day internationals this summer in Europe).... she got a bit of a "shoulder" on when we said she couldn't come to Corsica for a weeks riding in the mountains...wemen!!!. I've bought an helmet cam to bring back the riding for her . Rear wheel finally sorted, I have to say that once it got to Martin at MRS (the UK importer) it was replaced PDQ and that problem is now in the past, notwithstanding the rusty frame I think I finally, having tweaked the steering, carburation, timing et al.. have the bike to where I can ride to best of my decrepid ability.
  20. You guys have to try to get inside thier heads;... you need to mention all those nice young men with lycra trousers on with thier "gloves" in thier pockets all trying to be nice to her. This time of year of course ther is also all the lovely sights smells and sounds of springtime. If that fails spend money in lui of time.... se you on Sunday!
  21. chewy

    Weak 240 Brakes

    Is it out of warranty already?
  22. But 2011 isn't the same as 1965 or less
  23. chewy

    2010 fuel tap?

    Why not put it up (the end) higher than the the tak or fuel level.. works for me
  24. I ve seen a wingspar for A340 airbus billet milled spindle speeds of 50k rpm, magnetic flux spindle bearings, bearings 2" cutter, full depth plunge, 2 metres /min feed. My footpegs are enough for me; one footrest billet starts at 500 grammes and finishes at 105 grammes. After copemech's comment I feel guilty for having nothing regarding flywheel weights... on that subject wasn't one of the Spanish manufacturers who last year announced (effectivly) a variable rate flywheel.... I guese this would be opposite to a moped/scooter clutch effect... I would want a lot of flywheel on bottom end and none on top end of revs..interesting one that!
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