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Everything posted by jimmyl
  1. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    Dam - looks like I'll have to try and make it all the way round. Probably be lots of tyre tracks to follow by the time I get anywhere near the end
  2. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    Perce Thought I'd use a few of the locals/top boys short cuts!!!
  3. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    Would be nice to save the dosh but need to be 100% confident of the bike being right over the next few weeks. Got Over 40 Welsh Champ on this weekend then a Yorkshire Saturday club trial or something on the 24th Oct - Richmond area. 75 miles, 75 sections - don't want a bike breakdown as well as the physical one I'm likely to have. Might have a play with the dodgy one after these events tho (or might just leave it on the shelf. Don't have many other faulty 4rt bits). Cheers
  4. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    To keep you up to date - swapped tanks over with mates bike. Mine ran fine mates started missing when warm. Looks like new fuel pump required. Thanks for everyones input.
  5. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    Thanks - tried that. Tank looked clean when I took it out. Did not remove filter from the end of the pump as looked bonded on but wiped away any contamination from around the outside - didn't look too bad. Also emptied and blew out the metal canister filter on the output side of the pump. Cheers Jimmy
  6. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    Hi Simon No smoke -plug light grey Haven't tried blink test -looks bit complicated to me. Not sure if fault last long enough/consistent enough for this to show up. Cheer James
  7. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    Have spent a few hours today replicating the fault (apologies to the neighbors) Takes a good 25 mins tick over- gentle riding round the garden/drive and wrapping everything in towels to build up the heat. Then started trying to cool various items down once it started playing up Hose pipe and air line) Swapped Throttle body back to a standard one but no real success. I'm thinking maybe fuel pump as Gizza5 had. Going to swap whole tank, injector assembly next.
  8. jimmyl

    4rt Poorly Sick

    My 05 4rt has just started playing up. Been running fine then last weekend Ok for first couple of laps then on returning back up to the car park struggled to rev out eventually getting worse - sounds bit like running out of fuel or a choke being left on with a carb bike. Stopped bike and started ok then gets worse again - seems ok in section for a while but not when riding back to start. Changed plug, checked every connection, cleaned throttle body etc. Checked tappits and general look round during last the week. Stripped all fuel tank and ancillaries out - Went out yesterday and still doing it. Seems worse when ridding slowly up rock streams for 10 mins then when trying to ride off its worse. Flat out across a bit of moor seems fine especially if I stop the bike with kill button then restart and instantly not as bed. I know Gizza5 had fuel pump issues but wondered if anybody else had similar. Definitely seems heat related - also possibly fiddling with wires coming out of generator seems to induce a miss fire but not 100% convinced. Was wondering if maybe loosing electrical output would cause electrical systems to run slow - fuel pump etc - Thoughts, comments welcome. Going to try a alternative fuel system (tank, injector pump- from a friends bike - when I ask him) which might help eliminate top end items.
  9. I presume you are looking to do this as tubeless are better than tubed - is the difference significant
  10. Having the choice of a TLR 200 and an 4RT in my garage I can only say that if you are into push bike trials with the hopping and skipping then a TLR maybe very alien to you. I really enjoy a blast on the TLR as it makes some of the easy sections (on a modern bike) challenging so I can ride an easy trial and still have to ride hard on the TLR to be competitive. You do have to maximize the traditional element of your riding to get the best out of the twin shock. If you are used to breaking a section down into a series of hazards a twin shock may not be best for you. Maybe best to try and blag a ride on both and see what suits. PS The reflex is not a full TLR and is more trail oriented I believe
  11. Balanced diet Burger in each hand ?? Balanced diet with variety Burger in one hand - can of stella in the other ???? Never seen a Rabbit on a trials bike so stay away from too many salads. On a slightly serious note I find if I get much over 13 1/2 stone I feel restrticted on the bike. Keep to below 13 and feel much better - I'm 5.10 and 44yrs old Bike fit is better than anything
  12. I hate to say it but maybe next quantum leap in design will be electric (god for bid as a love my 4rt exhaust note) I think the rpm issue on the 4rt is that the injection was the firts in the world to run without the need of a battery - the high rpm is to generate enough current to power it all. I must add that having ridden with injection the thougt of going back to a carburetor with all tha associated variation in performance and extra manitenance is off putting
  13. 4rt chassis is very similar to 315's and swing arm is identical. I think modern 2 stroke technique of high revs and clutch just don't work on the 4rt motor. Maybe the high torgue at low revs don't suit this technique. If you keep the engine pulling they grip superb but once it spins you seem stuffed.
  14. Just been doing some measuring and weighing. 4rt has 50 50 weight distribution 39.5 kgs each on front wheel/back wheel. TLR weighs 50.3 kg back wheel and 39.9 front Tends to show shoving weight forward would be good. Centre point of head stock on TLR is about 20mm back from a 4rt. Engine is 45mm further back on tlr. I think push whole bike forward by 20mm by tightening head angle to 4rt spec then use the longer swingarm to get wheel base back to 52.5". Adjust footrest position afterwards to something like 4rt. One thing I have noticed is the yokes on tlr have smaller offset fork centres to head stock centre line - 15mm approx. 4rt has 35mm offset.Tis pushes forks further away from centre line of steering axis - what effects does this have?? All part of camber, caster and rake etc but don't know the theory Farjazz do you know what dimensins where changed from/to on your tlr
  15. I have a TLR 200 and 4rt and being an inquisitive engineering type have cast a tape over various dimensions. Most notably is that the engine is much further forward in the 4rt and obviously the steering is much sharper. I have a project to fit a 315 swing arm into the TLR (with lugs welded on for 2 shocks) but as the 315 swing arm is longer I need to shorten the front end of the s/arm which is no problem. But as I have the longer swing arm and before I cut off 2"s I was wondering what would be the effects of pushing the engine forward to mimic 4rt dimensions (especially if combined with sharpening up the head angle) Would be interested to hear peoples opinions -is there any mileage in trying to get geometry similar to a 4rt so a tlr would to steer and feel like a 4rt (with a lot less power) or will it make it a dog. Opinions and views welcome
  16. jimmyl

    Tlr 200 Wiring

    I have done this and its very straight forward. I can take my tank off and let you know if nobody else can give exact details but basically pull all wiring off that goes to loom for head lights etc. Just need to reconnect supply to coil and kill button. I think these wires are all together in a connector block by air box. Just trace and match colors. Make sure you get a earth back afterwards. PM me if nobody else comes to the rescue but I'm sure somebody knows this off the top of their head
  17. jimmyl

    My 4rt

    Looks like some superb machining. Are you going bigger CC as well as bigger valves. What is final bike like compared to standard. More power, more torque, more revs. Well impressed with the engineering James
  18. This all seems very similar to Honda's previuos approaches to Trials especially with RTL in the 80's. The RTL was the dogs danglies but got more and more expensive as the years went by and despite Saunders and Lejeune in world champ sold very few bikes and then pulled out all together. I thought for a while that the 4rt senario is very similar to what happend with the RTLs
  19. I had a minor miss when on tick over. Never stopped, just missed a beat now and again. Stripped and cleaned kill button problem sorted.
  20. I don't think no stop in the SSDT was the saving grace but the realisation that the sections do not need to be killers. The no stop rule levelel the playing field between the top boys nd the rest of us. Being able to hop and re-align things makes good sections for us mere mortls too easy for the top boys. As a side not Michel Brown lost the St Davids BTC on a section that was slippy and loose and required a no stop approach - not on a massive step that was un surmountble for the lesser lights.
  21. I have made the following argument before and feel it is worth making again, what ever rules we run to, the Clerk of the Course or section plotter can still make or break the trial. JD's comments from his article "From a World Championship point of view I imagine that Martin Lampkin can
  22. I think the readings for the stator are in the manual which I am sure is available on pdf here somewhere. I have had a stator go down on mont a while ago
  23. If a move out of town is on the cards then suggest a shuttle bus or similar back into town for spectators and riders would be a good idea. Its nice to be able to walk back to your digs when the support crew is stuck out out on the roads or waiting for the ferry home especially if the weather has been bad all day. I think the finish and parade must stay in the center of town as I feel this has been a major improvement in recent years. .
  24. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news -if I get anymore info will pass it on.
  25. Not sure who Aaron (azzacat) got to meet on here but just heard through the family that whilst on holiday in France with his family he contracted meningitis and tragically never recovered. If anybody wants anymore details I will try to find out in what are very difficult times for his closest.
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